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27.05., DJ Victoria Rebeka@Pancevacki muzej

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I posle par meseci pauze u Pancevu opet velika zurka, i ovog puta dolazi nam dama DJ :)

DJ Viktoria Rebeka

Underground Connections - Ljubljana/Slovenija

DJ Milosh Vujovic aka eX1|e

Filthy lab - Pancevo

DJ Vlada ''Beatanga'' Jovanovic & MC Iskaz

Filthy lab / Breaking The Beat 94, 9 fm - Pancevo

DJ Krivin

Filthy lab - Pancevo




DJ Victoria Rebeka:


A rising up DJane star, joung Viktoria Rebeka Kokalj is born in Croatia, when suddenly choice for living felt on Vienna (Austria), where she started developing her great talent for music.

At the beginning of 2003 she enjoyed working with DJ Sunny Sava, who was resident in the famous Camera Club, located in the city centre. She played double sets with him at several festivals and events, in and near Vienna.

The biggest indoor festival, she was spinning at, was The Braintribe, a 3-days event with 31 international dj guests of trance-techno-house&groove music (@ Kato Eventhall, Vienna).

The biggest outdoor party she had the pleasure to play at, was The La Gorda, a 9-days festival full off creative Workshops around art, music, joga...(@Seedcamp, Kauzen/Waldviertel).

At the beginning of 2005, changes in life mooved her to Slovenia, and after a while, she joined a group of talented DJs, working under the name Underground Connections. More information can be found on the official website: www.underground-connections.net.

This year, Viktoria Rebeka started to work with Manel, who hosts the popular Midhouse-show on Radio Pomar in Barcelona, Spain. The special cooperatin includes broadcasting her sets and charts every month. More information is available on: www.midhousefm.net.

The wish to fully express herself as an artist, forces her to work more and more on production. At weekdays she spends time in the studio, cooperating with Examine, producer and dj from Croatia, and DJ Slider from Slovenia.

Her style is a coctail of dirty pumpin' electro-house, funky electro tech-house and trible electro progressive-house beats.

Watch out for her gigs in clubs especially around Austria, Slovenija, Spain, Croatia, Serbia and The Netherlands.

Some artists, who left a special impact and inspired her work:

John Dahlback, Eric Prydz, Luke Dzierzek, Mync Project, Jon Gurd, Deepgroove, Chris Lake, Mark Knight, Robbie Rivera, Rooster and Peralta, Evil Eddy Richards, Magik Johnson, Toby Montana, Mike Monday, Till West, DJ Delicious, Paul Harris, Mylo, Tocadisco, DJ Aleksij, Umek (Astrodisco)...

WebPage and other info:



Her promo sets:

1. Electric Touch mix ( april 2006 )


2. Electric Lollypop mix ( februar 2006 )


3. Electrolujeah mix ( december 2005 )


Jako je lako doci do muzeja, samo dodjite do samog centra i to je to :) Nishta lakse.

Vidimo se tamo!

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mozda napravim appearance.....

btw. zurka u muzeju(u slucaju loseg vremena) ...... lossssss osecajj

Pa za prvu i bice u muzeju, a za Almu je to za svaki sluchaj ostavljena opcija!

Mada veruj muzej je jako dobar prostor, vec su bile zurkice tamo.

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preprichao mi je drug iz zagreba pre par nedelja zanimljivu prichu

dakle minimal ekipa iz zg je pravila zhur i kao svi su srecni i radosni. naprave oni after tako shto odu kod nekog lika

bila jedna teshka narkomanchina u toj ekipi. preradio se ne znam chega i uzeo flomaster i nacrtao brkove i pokvarene zube nekoj ribi na nekoj do jaja skupoj slici

uopshte niko nije popizdeo.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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dajte slike macani :)

i jel me neko od vas dvojice zvao sa fiksnog? vidim neki 013 propu


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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