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How to Succeed as an NPC


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How to Succeed as an NPC

-Rule 1: Never do anything yourself if it can be avoided. Grow accustomed to asking random passers-by for even the smallest of favours.

-Rule 2: If there is even an opportunity to resolve a situation quickly and easily, avoid it at all costs. Don't worry, someone will come along eventually to resolve all your problems for you.

-Rule 3: Whenever you must travel somewhere with an important item of some sort, make sure to insert it only halfway into whatever container you are using. This will almost guarantee that you will lose it along the way. Rigorous jogging and/or skipping is also recommended.

-Rule 4: Whenever you ask someone to so something for you, be as ambiguous as possible about the reward. That way you can provide the smallest possible trinket and not be held accountable.

Meni se učinilo zanimljivo, a možda bi neko od vas imao nešto da dopuni, ovako iz ličnog iskustva:-) Inače, ovo piše u igri Dragonshard, koja je RTS, ali sama tema je za ovaj deo... Fire away!


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