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Nokia N-Gage

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Moj problem je kako prebaciti filove sa kompa na n-gage koristeci USB kabal?

PC suite koji dolazi uz njega moze da se koristi samo ukoliko sam vlasnik bluetooth adaptera za kompjuter,tako da mi to nije od nikakve pomoci jer ga nemam...znam takodje da treba da imam i mmc karticu kako bi komjuter prepoznao telefon ali to i jeste kod mene problem jer ga ne prepoznaje?To jest izbaci mi "found new hardwer" ali ja odatle ne znam sta da radim to jest ne mogu naci zahtevan software,pa ako neko ima dl link za to nek mi posalje or somethin'...googlovao sam ja neshto al uzalud ?Pa ljudi pomagajte...znam da je Lucky (bio) vlasnik ovog modela pa od njega ocekujem nesto vise informacija...pozdrav ;)

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Ako su filovi filmovi treba ti Smart Movie softver za pustanje istih, instaliraj ga na engejdzu, za komp ces dobiti converter koji smanjuje standardan*.avi fajl u pogodan za pustiti na prckastom ekranu. Ukoliko su filovi fajlovi, na WindowsXP jednostavno prikacis engejdz na usb kabl i radice kao obican flash drajv, automatski konfigurisan. Potpuno0 plug&play.



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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Da da...fajlovi su u pitanju...i windows xp proffesional,ali meni ga ne prepoznaje a nadje ga kada ga ubacim...kao shto rekoh izbaci mi "found new hardwer"...a kada ubacim originalnu karticu sa igrom "pandemonium" izbaci mi neku ikonicu u kojoj mi kaze "safely remove hardwer"?Nishta tu meni nije jasno???

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Originalna kartica je read only i ne koristi ti nicemu u ovom slucaju. Verovatno se sam mmc skenjao, uzmi neki Card reader pa je formatiraj u FAT sistemu. Ili jos bolje, iz samog engejdza formatiraj karticu. Dugo traje ali bi trebalo da resi problem



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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kad kachish preko usb-a imash pristup samo memorijskoj kartici koja je ubachena u telefon, i ako imash tu ikonicu u system trayu (tu zelenu strelicu i to) znachi da ti je lepo prepoznao sve pa pogledaj u my computeru dal' imash neki novi drajv (E,F ... itd.)

Everytime I cross the line

I push the boundaries out a little...

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Originalna kartica je read only i ne koristi ti nicemu u ovom slucaju. Verovatno se sam mmc skenjao, uzmi neki Card reader pa je formatiraj u FAT sistemu. Ili jos bolje, iz samog engejdza formatiraj karticu. Dugo traje ali bi trebalo da resi problem

Da znam za to da je originalna read only i da ne mogu nista da ubacujem na nju i sve...ali me opet bunilo to sto mi govorio da istaknem hardware...a mcc mi je nova...uzeo je prekjuche i uspeo da prebacim fajlove na njega kod ortaka pomocu bluethooth adaptera.I formatirao sam je,i probao kod devojke preko USB-a ali isto kao kod mene...a najvise od svega me jebe sto mi komp nadje "new hardwer" ali njega,nje(kartice) nema!?

kad kachish preko usb-a imash pristup samo memorijskoj kartici koja je ubachena u telefon, i ako imash tu ikonicu u system trayu (tu zelenu strelicu i to) znachi da ti je lepo prepoznao sve pa pogledaj u my computeru dal' imash neki novi drajv (E,F ... itd.)

Nema drajva,to sam prvo pogledao kada sam natako n-gage :(

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Evo sledio sam ova uputstva i jedino shto mi zafalilo je da ubacim CD (koji ide uz N-gage) kada nadje novi hardwer:

Answers to some simple questions that people always ask:

1. You cant use the USB cable unless a MMC is inserted into the N-Gage.

2. You can only use Multimedia Cards (mmc) in the N-Gage. SD cards DO NOT work.

3. Not all N-Gages are provided with Memory Cards, so you may need to purchase one before you can take full advantage of its functions.

4. You can find free series 60 games and applications at HERE

5. All the apps and games available for the 3650/7650 will work on your N-Gage (except those associated with a camera).

6. For full specifications of the phone click HERE

7. You can watch videos on your N-Gage.

8. The N-Gage doesnt have a built in nor add on camera. Bluetooth cameras available on the market wont allow transfer to the n-gage either. The only method is via swapping the memory card in your digital camera if it uses mmc.

9. You can purchase fascias for the N-Gage from HERE and HERE

10. PC Suite ONLY works via bluetooth, NOT via the usb cable. The usb cable can be used to transfer data to the memory card only. Pc Suite will allow access to both the Device Memory and the MMC. It can be used to back up contacts and calendar entries etc.

11. You must fully charge your phone before using it to allow maximum capacity.

12. Some memory cards larger than 128mb will work in the N-Gage.

13. Newbies read this post thoroughly. If you still have any questions use the SEARCH function.


How to connect your N-Gage to your PC

Step 1.

Before you do anything. Place your MMC into your phone and format it.

Step 2. OVO MENE JEBE ocigledno!!!

Place the N-Gage disc (that comes with the phone) into your cd rom.

If youve got XP: Connect your N-Gage to your pc with the USB cable. Leave windows to find all the necessary drivers automatically. Your MMC in your N-Gage will now be recognised as a removeable drive in 'My Computer'.

If you havent got XP: Do the same as above. If nothing happens, run the program on the N-Gage disc and install Audio Manager.

If any of the above does not work click Here

Step 3.

Once the MMC is recognised by your PC, simply drag and drop any files you want onto the MMC (removeable drive).

Step 4.

Download FExplorer from HERE and place it on your MMC.

Once on the MMC go to your menu then Tools --> Manager --> FExplorer --> Options --> Install

Follow all the on screen intructions. This has installed a file browser for you N-Gage. You can now access all the files on your N-Gage and MMC which 'Manager' can't see (like Java games).

Hopefully this will prevent the same question being asked over and over.

credit go to Haris

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