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Elem... skoro sam nabavio.. kahhm...kahhm..kahkah!... original.. kahhkahh..diksove sa Hitchkokovim filmovima... a misletji nabavio... mislim na sve... who is interested nek se javi.. (tokin abaut sam 5 or 6 dividiz of diviksez) (ou nou..sikrit tokin agen!!!!)

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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sta je to toliko specijalno u vezi sa hickokovim filmovima? :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ae da ne smaram se unaokolo - 0652475071 je numero... pa me zvrcnu interesenti...

nego sam se prebrojao... nije 5 ni 6 nego 4 dvda... neshto mi je bilo izmeshano pa sam sortiro - nego, trebalo bi i 5ti da dobijem al je tu bez titla... no otom potom... :)

Btw. nabavijo sam i 3 dvda * 6 Jackie Chana :D

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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