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>'Trophy' video exposes private security

contractors shooting up Iraqi




>Sunday Telegraph




>By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent




>A "trophy" video appearing to show security

guards in Baghdad randomly

>shooting Iraqi civilians has sparked two

investigations after it was

>posted on the internet, the Sunday Telegraph can



>The video has sparked concern that private

security companies, which are

>not subject to any form of regulation either in

Britain or in Iraq,

>could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds

of innocent Iraqis.








>Lt Col Tim Spicer is investigating the incident


>The video, which first appeared on a website

that has been linked

>unofficially to Aegis Defence Services,

contained four separate clips,

>in which security guards open fire with

automatic rifles at civilian

>cars. All of the shooting incidents apparently

took place on "route

>Irish", a road that links the airport to



>The road has acquired the dubious distinction of

being the most

>dangerous in the world because of the number of

suicide attacks and

>ambushes carried out by insurgents against

coalition troops. In one

>four-month period earlier this year it was the

scene of 150 attacks.


>In one of the videoed attacks, a Mercedes is

fired on at a distance of

>several hundred yards before it crashes in to a

civilian taxi. In the

>last clip, a white civilian car is raked with

machine gun fire as it

>approaches an unidentified security company

vehicle. Bullets can be seen

>hitting the vehicle before it comes to a slow



>There are no clues as to the shooter but either

a Scottish or Irish

>accent can be heard in at least one of the clips

above Elvis Presley's

>Mystery Train, the music which accompanies the



>Last night a spokesman for defence firm Aegis

Defence Services - set up

>in 2002 by Lt Col Tim Spicer, a former Scots

Guards officer - confirmed

>that the company was carrying out an internal

investigation to see if

>any of their employees were involved.


>The Foreign Office has also confirmed that it is

investigating the

>contents of the video in conjunction with Aegis,

one of the biggest

>security companies operating in Iraq. The

company was recently awarded a


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