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svejedno, bice ql jer nismo dugo igrali.. :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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moze da prodje podela :P



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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e, hopsi je rekao danteu da ne moze... :)

fali 1

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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cide govno jedno odvratno!!!



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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Da, bilo je ok... Why? Because Mentock wills it so!


Ma, ja sam u nekom tripu. :)

Ali cid je stvarno blatnjavo ispalio. :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ma on nije covek, on je zena



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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ma nije on zena, on je Kljinton... :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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cid od shuntavila =D



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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A kad smo kod neimanja dushe, tu je i hopsi koji je dao mrachnu chizmu tipa sat pred pikanje. :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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hopsi od suntavila =)



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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hopsi od etf-a :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ja od sutra mogu, ae stvarno dugo je proslo

juce sam vario sa stanketom lol, kaze da ga zovemo za ut, hoce da igra, smesan je kao crtani film :)

pusi ga cavo [:D][8D]

ut moze moze [^]

Nema nista gore nego kad si na izletu u shumi i doddje delfin i pojede ti sendvice sa tunjevinom.

Dajte mi dopunu za t191.

Napolju je toliko hladno da ljudi umiru od smrti!

Ja najvise volim "siroticu" sa euro-dzemom.. Kako sam smrso ko da sam izaso iz leukemije


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pa evo sad kad budemo igrali, zvace te maha..valjda :-D



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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maho jel mozes da organizujes nesto za sutra?!?



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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mahino odsustvo = ne. [:D]

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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