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problem - logitech g1-


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imam problem oko drivera za logitech g1 pazario sam ga,e sad posto se uz njega ne dobijaju driveri niti postoje driveri samo za njega, nego ima neki setpoint za sve miseve,tastature...tj za sve uredjaje na logijevom suport linku http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/support/...walldocuments=0 ima logi setup xp

1. Click the "Start button," then "Control Panel."

2. Click "Printers and other hardware."

3. Under "See Also," click "System."

4. Click on the Hardware tab, then the Device Manager button.

5. Double click the "Mouse and other pointing devices" icon.

6. Double click on the Mouse Type icon.

7. Click on the Driver tab, then click on the "Update Driver" button.

8. Click on the radio button next to "Install from a list or specific location," then click the "Next" button.

9. Click on the radio button next to "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install," then click the "Next" button.

10. Under Model, if it does not show Logitech, click on the box next to "Show compatible hardware" and remove the check mark.

11. Under "Manufacturers," select "Logitech."

12. Under "Models," select the correct model that matches the pointing device type (PS/2, Serial or USB type).

13. Click the "Next" button and Windows XP should copy the correct files. When prompted, insert the Windows XP CD-ROM if needed.

14. Click the Finished button.

Windows may now ask you to restart the system for the changes to take effect; click "Yes" to restart the system.

e sad stignem do 12 tacke kad treba da seliktujem my defice type (PS/2, Serial or USB type) ja seluktujem i on mi oda restartuje komp i mis vide nece raditi na tom usb-u moram menjati!!....ne razumem!!!! bre! nista!

poludecu,aj ako je neko ima g1 ili je resio problem drivera nek' helpuje!


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