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R:TW - Barbarian Invasion


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Ovo treba da izadje 30tog Septembra shto znaci za koji dan. Ima li neko plan kako najbrze doci do igre? Original/pirat shta god samo da probam jebenu igru! Cini mi se da ce biti mnogo bolja od R:TW-a.

Ajde ako neko nabavi nek mi odma javi ocu da me sreze ili kaze gde je nabavio :D.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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omg thx!

Sutra cu da probam i odma javljam kako je :). Dodushe, citao sam na forumima da je bolji od R:TW. Kazu da su bitke slicnije medieval-u, da su nocne bitke skroz cool, manje bugova i da igra radi bolje na istom hardveru nego RTW. Nadam se da su u pravu :P.


Necu 15, ocu 20 strana :P.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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