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Problem pri ulasku na account


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Hocu da udjem u svoj account da doplatim jos jedan mesec ali nikako nece da prihvati moje podatke. stalno prijavljuje

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Could not get JDBC connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit..........

molim da mi neko kaze da li se i njemu to desava ili je problem do mog kompa

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isti sam problem imao juce i blizzar mi je odgovorio "Occasionally the www.wow-europe.com/en site will be taken down for maintenance and upgrades. During this period, some World of Warcraft account administration features, like password recovery or account creation, will be unavailable. During this time, you may also be unable to log into the forums at http://forums-en.wow-europe.com/. We are sorry for the inconvenience of these periods of unavailability. The site is currently active and all its normal features are functional. If you are still experiencing issues with the site, please reply with a detailed description of the problem."

a u sustini svaki put kada ulazim to mi pokaze i taman kada lepo ide i pritisnem next ono opet i tako svaki put idem stranu dalje [:D] i tako uspem

tako da budi samo uporan a ako se smoris ti pisi pisma blizzardu evo ove je nedelju dana kako im svaki dan pisem po 3 pisma iz zezova i oni mi odgovaraju jadnici [:D] ali nema veze super se zabavljam

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