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Lord Kazzak


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Its a very simple battle really.

First, he casts a curse on everyone but the MT occasionally that is called "Twisted Reflection." When you recieve ANY form of damage from him, including his AoE's Shadow bolts every couple seconds, he is healed for 25,000 hp. THIS NEEDS TO BE CURED ASAP. One mage per group.

Second, IF ANYONE DIES throughout the entire battle, he is instantly restored to full HP. We had him to 24% and one of our priests died from the AoE, and he was restored to 94% hp. (Heals him for 75,000hp). You NEED one healer PER GROUP spamming heals on everyone as his AoE does about 1000 damage every couple seconds.

Thats it. If you can combat those two things, he dies easily. He doesn't have too much HP either. Probably looking at a 7 minute fight as long as noone dies or has the curse.



Updated 03.04.2005

First of all, his attacks:


His melee attacks are pretty weak, no more than 1500 hits on cloth users.

Shadowbolt Volley

Shoots out an insanely long range volley of Shadowbolts that damage anything it can target in distance for 800-1000 damage. The volley totally ignores all line of sight issues: it cannot be dodged.

Twisted Reflection

Casts a magical debuff (on a random player in range other than the player with aggro) that heals Lord Kazzak for 25,000 health each time he deals damage to the player with this debuff. This combined with the Shadowbolt Volley can ruin the attempt.

Mark of Kazzak

Casts a curse (on a random player in range with mana) that drains the target's mana for 250 per second and explodes for 4,000 AOE damage when there is no more mana to drain. A living bomb.


Attacks a number of melee range players around him with a cleaving strike that deals 1000-2000 damage to each. Since a 'blind spot' has not been found, Cleave might be capped to a certain number of players affected.


A point blank area of effect spell, hardly dealing any damage, but slowing movement speed. Some have reported 200 damage, some say it doesn't deal damage at all. Doesn't seem to affect attacking speed either.

Void Bolt

A strong bolt he may cast only on the player with aggro, deals up to 3000 shadow damage (or more!).

Capture Soul

When a player, pet or totem gets killed, Lord Kazzak casts this spell to instantly regenerate 70,000 health.

Skinuto sa www.thottbot.com - inache likovi pishu da su ga ubili...Ovaj boss se nalazi u Blasted lands-u na samom dnu Tainted scar-a.Da li verujete da je moguce ovako neshto obuzdati.Mislim , ne znam koliki su mu cooldown-ovi za spell-ove ali ovo je stvarno previshe jako chudo.

latencyqv9.png Just great...
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Ima par filmova na warcraft-movies.com, a najjaci je jedan kad ga cela guilda iz horde puluje na Stormwind valjda, joj ono je za plakanje, ocistio je ceo grad. Neverovatan film, cega se sve nece setiti idioti ;)))

Poenta kod bosa je da ti treba samo jedan tenk, koji naravno ne sme da zagine, i Kazzak mora pasti u roku od 3 minuta inace krece veoma gadan AOE koji moze da satre 5 full raidova za 20 sec...

Na mom serveru ga samo alijansa ubija za sada, uhvatili mu timer i uvek su tamo.

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Ima par filmova na warcraft-movies.com, a najjaci je jedan kad ga cela guilda iz horde puluje na Stormwind valjda, joj ono je za plakanje, ocistio je ceo grad. Neverovatan film, cega se sve nece setiti idioti ;)))

Poenta kod bosa je da ti treba samo jedan tenk, koji naravno ne sme da zagine, i Kazzak mora pasti u roku od 3 minuta inace krece veoma gadan AOE koji moze da satre 5 full raidova za 20 sec...

Na mom serveru ga samo alijansa ubija za sada, uhvatili mu timer i uvek su tamo.

malopre sam skinuo film...znachi bruka

latencyqv9.png Just great...
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Od SW-a do Blasted Landsa treba 1h na konju (obicnom naravno).... Koliko je trebalo likovima da ga dovuku do SW-a?... Ne zanima me da skidam film ali za ovakvu ideju gde 4-5 sati gubis za dzabe... no comment :P

ex-CS player, ex-EVE player, ex-WoW player...

Noob overall! :)

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Kako za dzabe? Uradili su najjacu stvar ikada!! Pa ja da sam alijansa na tom serveru, ubio bih se, promenio bih server ili nesto slicno...ej bre da niko ne primeti da ga ovi vuku 1 sat i vise, da spreme neki raid itd.... ma zivi blam kad gledas onaj grad , sve sravljeno , gomile corpsova ;))) Extra su odradili likovi svaka im chast...

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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