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Haumarush - the plan by Blizzard


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Cisto da rascistim jednu konfuziju.

Poenta novih servera nije da izbegnete lvl 60 protivnicku stranu. lvl60 nece i ne moze da te smori dok ne budes otprilike minimum level 30-35. A i onda nema nikakve svrhe jer ne dobija nikakve honor poJene.

Poenta novog severa je u tome da je EKONOMIJA potpuno frishka. Znaci, nema shardova i essenssa, kozurice, thoriuma, nane i ruzmarina itd. na AH. Sve mora da se grajnduje :D.




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To oko onyxie je cista fama. Na Vashj serveru su je ubili prvi put pre 20 dana. A server postoji ihaha.

Inace PvP setovi su mnogo bolji nego PvE setovi, koliko sam cuo. Jos nisam stigao da vidim, jer se trenutno bavimo Stratholmeom i Blackrockom. Ubije se koji alajans tu i tamo u Tanarisu. I naravno Raidovi petkom :D.




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Update Aug 19th - 14:30 CEST

The cap increase that was planned for last night was delayed until today. The cap has been increased to be one step away from being on par with all other realms. We'll discuss plans for the weekend later today.

Update Aug 19th - 17:00 CEST

Based on the current development on Haumarush (and Terrodar) we have decided to wait with further evaluation of opening more realms until next week. The evaluation might then also include other realm types (but not RP PvP - those are still tied to patch 1.7).

There's still one remaining increase of the player cap on the new realms, which we will most likely perform during the weekend. Please note that while the immediate starting areas might be less flooded now we must also consider the areas following those. Just like we have the regular caps to ensure good playability (by limiting lag) we have staged caps on new realms for the same reason of playability (by making sure there are mobs for those online - especially quest mobs).

Update Aug 19th - 20:00 CEST

Realm forums for the new realms are now open. You can find the Haumarush forum here:


neka se nose i oni i ispitivanje situacije.. jebeno shta im je teshko da otvore josh jedan server, a ne da ja i josh 1500 ljudi sada chekamo da udjemo! :( da nemaju mozda finansijskih problema? 35 miliona dolara mesechno im nije dovoljno? etc..

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