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ako zelite da znate zasto su The Retardsi banovani


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nightlook wrote:

HEHE.. as the former Guildleader of Wargasm, thanks 

Btw, Blizzard shut it down =/ "Naming policy"..


Wargasm FTW =)

They shut it down?! wtf that sucks, I remembered seeing your guild name as well when someone mentioned it here, always thought it was a great name, and wondered where it went :'(

I can't beleive blizz.. they won't let a guild be called 'Wargasm' (Blizz: "omfg it sounds like orgasm HEEHEE WE SAID NAUGHTY WORD! WTF players cant see naughty words, only blizz is allowed all the naughty words...all for blizzard...naughty blizzard...") but they will let there be a guild called 'The Retards'? I'm pretty sure more people will find that offensive (i.e. if someone actually had a retard in their family in their care or whatnot. I'm not bothered by it personally, but it's easy to see why it would upset/piss off some people) than wargasm, which little kids won't get anyway so it's not a problem.



Ahem :]

Hahaha "Mozda ce neko da se uvredi na ime ako ima retarda u familiji o kome brine" sta sve necu cuti! Taj koji se uvredi jeste retard ili nacista neki teski, brani retardima da postoje =/

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