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SUSE otvara kod...


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Novell Inc. is planning to open up a version of its SUSE Linux operating system to users and developers, unveiling its OpenSUSE project at the LinuxWorld show next week in San Francisco, a company executive confirmed today.

"We're making OpenSUSE available for anyone, anywhere," said Greg Mancusi-Ungaro, marketing director for Linux and open source at Novell. "We've learned from customers that it's still very, very hard to get Linux unless you're a technical user."

Novell will brand its SUSE Linux Professional flavor as SUSE Linux and will make the operating system open-source. The company will host those efforts at a new Web site, www.opensuse.org, which has not yet been launched, according to Mancusi-Ungaro. "We're moving from a closed model, where the code was tested in-house, to a completely open and transparent model," where developers will have access to the source code and their input will be welcomed, he added.

At LinuxWorld, Novell will release its first public beta of SUSE Linux Version 10.0, Mancusi-Ungaro said. Next year, the company intends to establish a public-code repository and a public-build server for the open-source operating system, he said.

Novell is hoping to substantially increase the distribution of SUSE Linux in a marketing push dubbed the "Lizard Blizzard," after SUSE's lizard mascot, Mancusi-Ungaro said. The company plans to distribute "many thousands of copies" of the operating system at LinuxWorld and will be making more copies available at other trade shows and in magazines where SUSE Linux is likely to have the most appeal, he added.

Mancusi-Ungaro said Novell's move to open-source SUSE is different from the approach taken by rival Linux operating system vendor Red Hat Inc. with its Fedora project.

"Fedora's a really good open-source project. It's grown and become more independent [with the June establishment of the Fedora Foundation], but it has an inward focus with [a community of] technical users," he said. "OpenSUSE has a different goal; it's all about end-user success. We have to develop something that's so usable that it can be deployed by someone who's not technical."

hrabro... :) dobra stvar jer kako se linux prvobitno rasirio.. svako dodao nesto svoje .. mislim da ce ovaj potez dosta da poboljsa kvalitet SUSE-a.... obratite paznju na zadnju recenicu... mozda odgovor na Vistu? sad prepustam Statoru rec :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Velika greska :)))

SuSe je vec otvorio kod odavno, zapravo kada malo bolje razmislim nikada ga nije ni zatvarao :)

Jedino sto ce ova verzija da bude 100% free ili vam test paravan za SuSe PRO koa sto je gore napomenuto je je RH uradio sa fedorom i ispostavilo se kao nikada bolji potez :) A sa ovim sta ce da bude ne znam ne bi zelo da pricam ni o jednom OS-u bez bar 3 mesecnog svakodnevnog iskustva jer bi to bilo cisto iztrcavanja na prvu loptu..

I ovako planiram da pobegnem na Gentoo ali samo psss nemoj nikome da kazete :))

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hehe, pa sad zavisi odakle posmatras :), verovatno je dovoljno dobar cim ga toliko ljudi koristi :)

:) koriste ga jer ne znaju za bolje...ko ce njima objasniti neshto o nekom tamo FF ili neka Opera...daaaaj...najbolje je ono shto dodje uz windows bez mnogo chachkanja... :)

(izvinjavam se shto sam doprineo skretanju sa teme)

Naposletku ti si dobro znala ko sam ja...

Forum Grada Nisa

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vecina ljudi koji koriste racunar su 40god zealot-i i zato IE zauzima toliko "trzista"

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Osnovni problem je u tome shto M$ ima monopol na trzishtu i samim tim nervira sve "borce za slobodu" koji udaraju samo po Windowsima...

Da ima toliko zaludnih koji bi zlostavljali Linux, on bi takodje bio pun virusa i spyware-a.

А в чем сила, брат?

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za većinu ljudi je golf 2 vrhunac auto industrije..

bas to. Najveci razlozi sto ljudi ne ostavljaju ie nije zato sto im zavrsava posao or something nego su narrowminded u fazonu dobar meni moj explorer necu ja nista novo da isprobavam... mislim znam ljude koji na 2200+ jos uvek drze win98....

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Pricamo o IE koji ne treba da se koristi ne zbog nedostatka usability-a (mada je i to jedan od razloga) nego zato sto je busan ko sito

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Joj... i koliko je vas koji pricate da je IE busan kao sito, nije da nije busan, jeste, naislo na te sajtove koji koriste skripte ili vec sta pomocu kojih 'haker' moze da preuzme kontrolu nad winom?

A ako cemo tako, i ff ima svojih nedostataka i sigurnosnih propusta :)

I linux ima svojih mana, rupa, propusta pa sta onda? Najveci problem je uvek u onome sto se nalazi izmedju tastature i stolice :)

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Pa i u evropi je bio jedan od najprodavanijih auta

A ovde mora jos i dam ima TAS

eto, vidiš kako si uboo suštinu (i ćorava koka...)

golf 2 je bio dobar auto 1985, danas je kanta; ie je bio dobar 1998, sada je kanta.

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Joj... i koliko je vas koji pricate da je IE busan kao sito, nije da nije busan, jeste, naislo na te sajtove koji koriste skripte ili vec sta pomocu kojih 'haker' moze da preuzme kontrolu nad winom?

A ako cemo tako, i ff ima svojih nedostataka i sigurnosnih propusta :)

I linux ima svojih mana, rupa, propusta pa sta onda? Najveci problem je uvek u onome sto se nalazi izmedju tastature i stolice :)

nisam naisao na nista pomocu cega haker moze da preuzme kontrolu jer ne koristim IE.. da koristim, znao bih da sam naisao... i ako nista drugo IE ima odvratan usability i for that alone ga ne treba koristiti.

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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