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weasel... ajde kaci brus leea molim te...

jeste mnogo ali ucinices ogromnu uslugu meni, pajseru i xyz korisnika ovog foruma... :))

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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mislim da nije skinuo... posto sam ga pitao juche i rekao je da nije

ajde reci mi kako je naslov klipa pa cu videti na netu da nadjem... ako ima

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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pa video sam da lose mislim... :))


aj odakle je skinuo pa da ga download-ujem?

ili ako hoces narezi mi pa cu ti dati kintu u skoli...

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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Necu kintu (zezam se znam da mislis na pajsera  )

ma nece ni pajser nego eto, radi reda [:D]

aaaa, skinucu ja brucea, pajs mi je jedina nada... :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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jel slushao ko Mazohistu ???

kakav car [8D]

gospodjo ja sam mazohist jel biste mogli malo da me bichujete...

gospodin: ma imam ja dobar k.... za tebe [:D] itd.

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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e jer moze neko da okaci Djemu?Ona sinhronizacija simpsonovih,jes da je vrh trula,ali meni je vristanje od smeha...


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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