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Druid talents


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Hm hm

elem ...

Ja nisam isao samo na restoration i balance posto mislim da je feral neophodan za svaki pvp pa cu ti reci moj talent bild i neki balance koje sam cuo


restoration 31 skilpoint .. otprilike ides samo logicnim putem i poenta je da na kraju imas natures swiftness, innervate, i pojacane healove i mark ... sledi detaljno moj talent bild:

Class: Druid

Level: 60

Balance Talents (9 points)

Nature's Grasp - 1/1 point

While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster, they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only usable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 seconds.

Improved Nature's Grasp - 4/4 points

Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%.

Improved Entangling Roots - 1/3 point

Gives you a 40% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots.

Swiftshifting - 3/3 points

After leaving a shapeshift form, reduces the casting cost of the next shapeshift by 60% if used with 6 seconds.

Feral Combat Talents (11 points)

Ferocity - 5/5 points

Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy.

Improved Bash - 2/2 points

Increases the stun duration of your Bash ability by 1 second.

Sharpened Claws - 3/5 points

Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear or Cat form by 3%.

Feral Charge - 1/1 point

Causes you to charge an enemy, stopping its movement and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 seconds.

Restoration Talents (31 points)

Improved Mark of the Wild - 5/5 points

Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild spell by 35%.

Nature's Focus - 5/5 points

Gives you a 60% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch or Regrowth spells.

Improved Healing Touch - 4/5 points

Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch spell by 12%.

Gift of Nature - 1/1 point

Increases the effect of your Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, and Tranquility spells by 5%.

Improved Rejuvenation - 4/5 points

Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 12%.

Reflection - 5/5 points

Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.

Nature's Swiftness - 1/1 point

When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell.

Improved Regrowth - 5/5 points

Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%.

Innervate - 1/1 point

Increases the target's Mana regeneration by 400% and allows 100% of the target's Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Lasts 20 seconds.
Neki likovi koji koriste samo restoration i blanace su u balance-u jurili omen of clarity imp moonfire i imp starfire sledi primer nekog resto-balance bilda koji bih mozda probao jednom kad ne budem znao sta cu sa parama ...
Class: Druid

Level: 60

Balance Talents (20 points)

Nature's Grasp - 1/1 point

While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster, they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only usable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 seconds.

Improved Nature's Grasp - 4/4 points

Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%.

Improved Moonfire - 5/5 points

Increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 10%.

Nature's Reach - 1/2 point

Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire (caster form only), Moonfire, and Starfire spells by 10%.

Swiftshifting - 3/3 points

After leaving a shapeshift form, reduces the casting cost of the next shapeshift by 60% if used with 6 seconds.

Improved Starfire - 5/5 points

Gives your Starfire spell a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.

Omen of Clarity - 1/1 point

Imbue the Druid's weapon with natural energy. Each hit has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana cost of your next damage or healing spell by 100%. The Omen of Clarity enchantment lasts 5 minutes.

Feral Combat Talents (0 points)


Restoration Talents (31 points)

Improved Mark of the Wild - 5/5 points

Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild spell by 35%.

Nature's Focus - 5/5 points

Gives you a 60% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch or Regrowth spells.

Improved Healing Touch - 4/5 points

Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch spell by 12%.

Gift of Nature - 1/1 point

Increases the effect of your Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, and Tranquility spells by 5%.

Improved Rejuvenation - 4/5 points

Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 12%.

Reflection - 5/5 points

Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.

Nature's Swiftness - 1/1 point

When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell.

Improved Regrowth - 5/5 points

Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%.

Innervate - 1/1 point

Increases the target's Mana regeneration by 400% and allows 100% of the target's Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Lasts 20 seconds.

Mada moje misljenje je da je za levelovanje najbolje ici restoration i feral posto vecinu kripovanja ces obavljati u feral formi da ne kazem medi odma da se ne smoris :P (pod ovime mislim restoration do natures swiftness a u feralu kritikal do kraja pojacani prowl i mozda ako ima dovoljno poena na dmg mede tj onaj strenght talenat ... )



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Zato sto je poenta izvuci natures swiftness, innervate, i regrowth critical i improved mark of the wild sve ostalo je onako uz put ... koji tje ti k jos 2% jeftiniji heal ili 1%jaci rejuvenation ili tako nesto kad mozes da izvuces nesto korisnije u drugim stablima ...

Sto warrior ne stavi 51 poen u arms ? ili shaman u restoration ? (nisam bio siguran sta si od ova dva :P)



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Mohi, jos samo jedno pitanje. Kolko ti je regrowth kad udaris critical sa tim spellom. Bas me interesuje, hvala unapred!Poz

1000~1100 instant + ~1000 overtime bez kritikala a sa kritikalom je instant deo ~1800 a overtime je isti



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Pa ono, meni je licno kao druidu na prvom mestu da healujem, pa tek onda da dilujem dmg, zato sam i mislio da maximizujem sve talente za lecenje. U grupnom pvp-u, ne vidim kako feral moze da bude efikasniji od lecenja, kada primas vise dmg-a, sto znaci da moras da hilujes i sebe dodatno, pored ostalih clanova grupe.

Sto se tice 51 poena u armsu.. Totalno je drugaciji izbor talenata za warriora i druida. Warrior je smorina zato sto imas jedan jedini build koji je dobar za pvp, ostali talenti su totalni uzas. Koliko sam video, druid ima mnogo veci izbor talenata, i kombinacija, kako u pve-u tako i u pvp-u.

Droga je smrt, bavite se sportom.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

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Moras se sloziti sa mnom da 3% jaci rejuvenation ili jeftiniji healing touch nece presuditi nigde nikada a navescu ti jedan primer gde je meni charge znacio najpuno u pve-u ... za pvp je to po meni neophodno

Peglamo one pse ispred magmadara i padne jedan wor (niko nema combat rez istrosili sve na luciju) i krene kuca ka kasterima (bedak da se pocepaju sve one suknje) i ja onda u medu charge taunt i vuci nazad ka warr grupi .. itd itd

Ili da ne pominjem kolko puta smo isli u mc sa 4 warriora i onda jedan pokusava da drzi dve kuce sto naravno cesto ne uspe i onda druidi u bear pa tauntaway i tako to ...

Mislim po tvojoj logici bi prist trebao da stuce 51 talenat u holy @$!%^$ posto je generalno druid sa 51dnim talentom u resto isto tolko jadan u pvpu osim za heal

Edited by mohican



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