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AQUARIUS,subota 21. maj



Lord Aswod,DJ Public Enemy-a, u subotu 21. maja gostuje u Aquariusu



Dj Lord

Real Name:

Lord Aswod


Savannah, GA


Atlanta, GA



Years of experience as Dj:

7 years

Favorite Quote:


Day job:

DJ for the immortal group-public enemy.

Style of music:

Drum/Bass, Hip/Hop, Rock, Electrojazzmonkeyfunk.


A yin/yang symbol from my Kajukenbo martial arts school on my left shoulder. It hurt.

First set-up:

The old TV/stereo floor model with the turntable inside the top. Reach in and skratch yourself into a coma with about 75 cents on the needle head for anti-skip.

How important are the tools (i.e. turntables, mixer, sound system, etc...) to you as a performer? Do you have standards for what you use?

Very important. I prefer two 12's and Rane TTM54/56.

What kind of set-up do you have at home?

Four (4) 12's and mad mixers for mood swings.

What is your earliest memory of you Djing?

Buying belt drive decks and damn near crying because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't skratch like grandmaster flash. After trial/error and a lot of wasting my mom's money, I stumbled onto direct drives.turntables, needles, microphones, headphones, effect units, etc.

Favorite place to Dj?


Has anyone or thing influenced you in your growth as a Dj? People who influence your music?

Yes, other Djs. Grandmaster Flash, Jimi Hendrix, Mantronix, Jazzy Jeff, MixMaster Ice, Bobby McFerrin, Craze, QBert, Urban Takeover, Hazeus, Bad Company, etc.

Do you do anything else in the "business" of this industry?

I am working with Chuck D as A&R of slamjamz.com in the drum/bass, turntablist, rock and weird stuff dept. (That particular label is called "Beat".)

Most memorable performance, good or bad?

Battling at DMC Final 2001 in San Francisco with a routine made within a week while touring with Public Enemy overseas. Bad. Very bad move. Live and learn.

What is your concept of a "perfect" gig?

Tight ladies! Lots of ladies! Good music and no fights.

How do you see yourself in the musical world?

I see myself as a messenger. I mean, I didn't father sound. I'm just a host and this particular sound manifests itself through me. I'm just happy that I'm not at a degree of mastery to where I can control it, somewhat.

Most demanding musical accomplishment?

Being respected as a musician of course. Elevating past all these haterade drinkin' critics who won't let Djs live.

How do you build a set?

By filtering my mistakes which drives me crazy.

Favorite scratch sound?

"Ahhhhhhh" and dark drum and bass tones.

In this industry is it wrong to say that to become successful, how important is talent really?

HA!!! Talent? Okay, if you're talkin' about the millions of brain dead, top 20 radioheads. Talent isn't the word. It's called money or 'financial backing'. There are a million and one boy bands in a box just waiting to be microwaved by some fat cats money rays and get processed into the next overnight stars by subliminal radio seduction. You know ...play it...play it...play it a million times...see it...see it...see it another then it's household and acceptable. I would say 85% loot - 15% talent nowadays.

Most important tip for beginners?

Practice, pay 'ya dues and be original. The money will come.

If people want to find out more about you, hear you play, or have you perform for an event, where can they go or who can they contact?

(At) www.publicenemy.com, www.slamjamz.com, or e-mail djlord@rapstation.com. For bookings: publicenemylive@aol.com, attn Greg.

What kind of crazy jobs have you had in your past?

I worked as a fraud account monitor for a credit card company and came up on some ill get money schemes yo'.<

For those people out there who maybe don't know who you are, what are some thing about you as an artist that they may recognize?

Most likely that I'm very straight forward with people. I don't know; I'm weird! I'm the DJ for public enemy. I battle, I'm booked for drum/bass-hip/hop shows, I'm a martial artist, and I DJ for the rock band 420Monks (Bonz formally of Stuck Mojo's new project). Those are so many dimensions I don't have time to mess around. I dunno. They may recognize that I don't speak much.

Chicken soup - rice or noodle?

I don't eat chicken.

What tune gets YOU dancing?

"California Curse" by Outbreak.

What are your vices?

I'm versatile.

What was the name of the first record you ever bought?

Grandmaster DST - "Why is it Fresh?"

Do you speak any other languages?


If people are to remember anything about you, either after hearing you perform, after meeting you, or reading an interview about you, what do you want them to know or remember most?

"Yo! Lord is pretty down to earth." Unlike a list of other DJs out there who I've met personally. For what!?

Real-life show - Survive 'for' or Survive'less'?

Bah! Ultimate Fighting or K-1 Kickboxing! Those shows are for sissies!

Favorite candy bar?

Tigers Milk

Where do you see yourself in 20 years time?

Fly, successful,and battling in the OMDC (Old Men DJ Competition)

If you weren't a professional DJ, what else could you see yourself doing or want to do?

Probably competing in martial arts tournaments again.

Favorite food before/after Djing?


Do you have any future goals and if so, what are they?

To create and own an outlet relative to this art...turntablism to keep moving.

Any preparation rituals before you perform?

I usually meditate but lately my colleagues Quix, Kico and I take shots of Absolut vodka before we partake in battle.

Future projects?

My solo E.P. "Paralysisbyanalysis". Mistachuck and I are re-doing "Myuziweightsaton" (turntablist getaway version) with the track done with all skratches and his vocals on top, 420Monks album, Public Enemy's new album and more battles. Maybe.

Non-Dj hobbies/interests?

Martial arts, exotic women, traveling.

Favorite movie?

Pulp Fiction.

Favorite cartoon character?

Wolverine of the X-Men.

Favorite video game?

Mortal Combat.

Any shameless plugs you want to make?

No, I'm fresh. Thanx. PEACE.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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