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Hmmm sto neuradimo nesto ovako

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pa bilo bi lepo kada bi se ljudi pridrzavali sledecih i bez nekih %$#@%3:

2. Use your realnick! Fakenick or using the nick of someone else is equal to a ban.

3. Always stay until the end of the game! All stats and scores after timelimit is hit should be prompted before you can leave the server.

4. If you must leave the game before the timelimit is hit, it's up to YOU to find a replacement!

(ex. "Need 1 @ / password" in #tdmpickup.se) if not, leaving will equal a ban (see below)




If someone breakes the rules please report to an admin: nickname and the felony.

Reason Duration

*Leaving the server before stats 1 Day

*Continuous whine/spam 1 Day

*Fakenick 1 Day

*Not showing up for your game 6 Hours

*Leaving server without a replacement 1 Week

hm.. ovi banovi i nisu tako losha ideja..

a za ostalo,.. postoji neshto shto se zove qbot na ircu, prijavljuju se ljudi preko irc kanala preko bota, kada se svi prijave krece igra, mogu da igraju samo prijavljeni.. chini mi se da si ovaj tekst izvukao upravo iz nekog uputstva za qbota, tdmpickup.de? - to je onda to :)

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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aa nenene, to nije qbot neg neshto njihovo, shto su kao sami pravili ili shta ja znam..

mada svi ti pickup kanali rade po istom principu pa zato sigurno mozhe negde da se nadje neka vrsta takvog bota(mada bi mogao i neko da ga napravi, ne verujem da je preterano teshko), a kad se to reshi onda samo josh fali neko ko ce da houstuje bota i sl.

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