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[17:01] <FullProof|sale> a mene ne volis vise ?

[17:01] <FullProof|sale> #fullproof :F

[17:01] <FullProof|sale> i kad si rekao da je eswc ?

[17:02] <ESWC|Vuk> 23. aprila

[17:02] <FullProof|sale> hahhaha

[17:02] <FullProof|sale> :D

[17:02] <ESWC|Vuk> ??

[17:02] <FullProof|sale> ima negde info ?

[17:02] <ESWC|Vuk> da www.eswcup.com

[17:03] <FullProof|sale> to ne postoji

[17:03] <FullProof|sale> :D

[17:03] <ESWC|Vuk> ??

[17:03] <ESWC|Vuk> o boze

[17:03] <ESWC|Vuk> sta ti prichas

[17:03] <FullProof|sale> nema tog sajta

[17:03] <ESWC|Vuk> kako nema kad sam ja na njemu

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> daj mi link

[17:04] <ESWC|Vuk> www.eswcup.com/preliminaries/index.html

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> The requested URL could not be retrieved

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.eswcup.com/preliminaries/index.html

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> The following error was encountered:

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.eswcup.com

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> The dnsserver returned:

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> Name Error: The domain name does not exist.

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> This means that:

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> Check if the address is correct.

[17:04] <FullProof|sale> Your cache administrator is root.

[17:04] <ESWC|Vuk> nesto ti se izbagovao komp

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> nije :D

[17:05] <ESWC|Vuk> osh da te banujem da ti popravim to

[17:05] <ESWC|Vuk> jel znas da se odbanujes

[17:05] <ESWC|Vuk> na svom kanalu

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> ne znam..

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> :/

[17:05] <ESWC|Vuk> ne seri

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> keve mi

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> imam obican mirc.

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> :D

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> ajde objasni mi

[17:05] <FullProof|sale> :D

[17:06] <ESWC|Vuk> pa udji na #fullproof

[17:06] <ESWC|Vuk> sto te nema

[17:06] <FullProof|sale> #FullProof unable to join channel (address is banned)

[17:06] <ESWC|Vuk> ???

[17:07] <ESWC|Vuk> ja stvarno ne znam sta ti se desava sa kompom [:)]

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bravo masni imas cvetic od mene :D

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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