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Character Transfers


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We are happy to announce the next step in our continued efforts to improve the stability and performance of our realms. Players with characters on high-population realms will now have the option of transferring their characters to a low-population realm. Dispersing the population across all the available realms will reduce lag and queues and improve the overall play experience for our players.

Character transfers are optional for players with characters on eligible realms. Each high-population realm selected for character transfers will have one designated realm to which characters can move. The first character transfer will be offered for the Arthas realm to the Nathrezim realm. Click here to see what other realms are currently scheduled for character transfers. For more information, please read the character transfer F.A.Q. located here.

This service is being offered to a single high-population realm at first to ease any possible load created by character transfers on the live service, as well as isolate any issues that may arise. We will announce further character transfers once they are ready for release.

Once again we thank you all for adventuring with us here in Azeroth, and we look forward to seeing you in the game!

Pu bem ti misa opet nema sanse da predjem na shattered hand... :)

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Ono gore je za US servere, a evo news za EU

Realm population imbalance has resulted in players on a number of realms experiencing login queues, while other realms have lower-than-average populations. Character migrations are now being offered in North America, and after localization testing is complete, we will offer the same service to our European community shortly.

Please be aware that while these character migrations are optional, each realm selected for migration will have only one designated realm to which characters will be moved. Once character migrations are ready for deployment, we will announce a rollout schedule for the migrations to take place.

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E pa ovo je super...

Vidite fazon, ako nas ukenja kojim slucajem da iz oba nasha servera gde igra i rur i mi ide u jedan isti (mada ne verujem da ce ovako biti), mogli bi da se prebacujemo.

Ili kojim slucajem da nas usere da iz shadowmoon-a ide u dunemal.

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