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Gank or NOT?


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miloshe... ti si poremecen i treba da se lechish

a to ti kazem iskreno... ja sam mnogo partija u zivotu odigrao i kad mi je odgovaralo i kad nije... ti si igrao na optichkom mishu a ja na sjebanom kuglichnom... meni je to zezanje a ti se lozish

a da si me pobedio u tft-u ili starcraftu?

jednom smo u zivotu odigrali starcraft i tad sam te pobedio

a warcraft kad sam pocheo da igram mozda si pobedio.. aj sad da te vidim

quake samo sanjaj... ti si meni srao kako ti gledam u ekran kad te napucam na spawnove... kako se gleda u ekran gde cesh da se spawnujesh?

iskreno mogu analizu tvoje lichnosti da napishem... ali to bi bilo teshko jer ti nemash lichnost

provodish sve svoje vreme trazeci svoj identitet koji ochigledno nemash

zato si i oboleo i imash problema... smanji dozivljaj

i da do lvla 10 se dolazi za 4 sata... i josh 4 do 16og

a ti reci da /played ne podrazumeva kad odem da jedem ili u wc itd... tj. ad pricham sa ljudima

uvek moze bolje...

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I'm a child at heart:

Yeah, you're a child at heart, just as soon as children start going to work every day to rot in a cubicle for a meager pay check so they can drink their troubles away in a shitty bar for the rest of their lives. Unless you're an astronaut, secret agent, vampire hunter, or all three, you're probably a sellout; screw you. Nobody wanted to be a regional director of sales or an investment banker when they were kids. On top of that, nobody thinks you're cute or funny by stating you're a "child at heart" on your stupid online profile that you created because you're a boring middle-aged loser with sagging tits and yellow nails who survives off greasy TV dinners every night as you contemplate the exact moment your life became such a miserable shit hole. But hey, don't take my word for it. After all, passing by "Cartoon Network" as you're flipping through channels technically makes you a "child at heart." Either that or the world's oldest virgin.


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ja igram igre jer mi je dobra zabava, pogotovu kad igram sa prijateljima

sad smo vec naishli na razliku u definiciji, jer ja definishem odraslu osobu po nachinu razmishljanja i ponashanju..

Inache ja placam vecinu svojih rachuna i ne planiram da odustanem do kraja zhivota

btw upucace nas neko jer smo zhestoko offtopic

..i naravno EVE > WOW [:D]

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