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konfig podeshavanja i podeshavanja za net

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sva podeshavanja za konfig, za igrache:


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net podeshavalja:



izvuchene bitne linije za net:

rate - size of the network parcels. I?d recommend setting the values depending on your connection speed. In the end of this section there is a summary table with values advisable for each type of connection. Don?t forget that if you have data compression connection then you can increase the rate parameter. Read how to use lag-meter and try experimenting with rate value to improve it.

cl_timenudge - if you?ve played QuakeWorld, HalfLife, then you should remember "pushlatency" command. So, "cl_timenudge" is its synonym. I won?t explain the meaning of this variable, I?d rather say that "cl_timenudge" value should be some 30-50 points lower than your average ping. You can try experimenting with it using lag-meter to check the results.

cl_maxpackets - this variable sets the maximum number of parcels that your system can send to the server. Changing its value can help those with low outgoing traffic speed. It?s ?30? by default. Sometimes with modem connection you should decrease its value. And playing with digital connection you should increase it.

snaps - this variable defines the number of ?snaps? with information about game situation is sent from server to the client.

cg_lagometer - now you should test your connection at work. In order to do it you should turn the lag-meter on by means of "cg_lagometer 1" command. You?ll have a small oscillograph. The first line on a diagram shows as your system reacts to the data, sent from server about changes in game situation. If the line is blue then it?s ok, your screen refreshes as the situation in a game changes. If it?s yellow, then it means that your system fails to process some data sent from server. In this case you should either stop sending this additional information by means of "snaps" command, or follow the recommendation on videoparameter setting to increase the system output. The second line is a network graph similar to the one used in Quake2. The green color indicates that connection is ok; yellow ? that you don?t have enough rate to send all parcels ; red color shows that some network parcels are lost due to the low connection quality. Conclusion: if yellow color prevails, then try to increase rate and decrease snaps. If red prevails, then I would recommend switching to another server or searching another connection alternatives. Try to change settings at least. Set "cl_packetdup 1" and try to adjust snaps and cl_maxpackets, in order to make up/compensate parcel loss.

sama podeshavanja:

LAN (1mbit>)

rate "25000"

snaps "40"

cl_maxpackets "100"

cl_packetdup "0"

ISDN Bonded (128kbit)

snaps "40"

cl_maxpackets "40"

cl_packetdup "1"

rate "(see list below)"

128000 BPS : rate "12400"

112000 BPS : rate "10000"

ISDN Single (64kbit)

snaps "40"

cl_maxpackets "30"

cl_packetdup "1"

rate "(see list below)"

64000 BPS : rate "6200"

56000 BPS : rate "5400"

????? 56K (stac/microsoft compression)

snaps "30"

cl_maxpackets "30"

cl_packetdup "1"

rate "(see list below)"

48000 BPS : rate "5800"

46000 BPS : rate "5500"

44000 BPS : rate "5200"

42000 BPS : rate "5000"

40000 BPS : rate "4800"

38000 BPS : rate "4600"

36000 BPS : rate "4400"

Modem 56K (hardware compression)

snaps "20"

cl_maxpackets "30"

cl_packetdup "1"

rate "(see list below)"

48000 BPS : rate "4600"

46000 BPS : rate "4400"

44000 BPS : rate "4200"

42000 BPS : rate "4000"

40000 BPS : rate "3800"

38000 BPS : rate "3600"

36000 BPS : rate "3400"


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