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Snizena cena 300 evra* WTS Legendary WoW RETAIL ACC - 22K Achievements,90 FoS and 334 Legacy - PALADIN (main) + War, Mage, DH, Priest (altovi). ELITE ACC! BFA, brdo, mountova, titula, retkih achievmenta, karaktera na accountu.


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- 340 Mounts:


Neki notable: Invincible's Reins, Mimiron's Head, Ashes of Al'ar, Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent, Experiment 12-B, Life Binder's Handmaiden, Emerald Drake, Rivendare's Deathcharger, Fiery Warhorse's Reins, Primal Flamesaber, Ironhoof Destroyer, Clutch of Ji'Kun, Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank, Flametalon of Alysrazor, Smoldering Egg of Millagazor, Reins of the Drake of the North Wind, Onyxian Drake, both Brawler guild's mounts, Spawn of Horridon, Slate Primordial Direhorn, Black War Mammoth, Challenger's War Yeti, Violet Spellwing, Core Hound Chain, Raven Lord, Great Brewfest Kodo & Ram, Reins of White Polar Bear, Abyss Drake, Winterspring Frostsaber, Armored Razzashi Raptor, Swift Zulian Panther, most of RaF mounts (except Emerald & Cindermane), Armoder Bloodwing & Enchanted Fey Dragon (Blizzard store), Teldrassil Hippogryph, Crimson Deathcharger, Swift White Hawkstrider, i jos mnogo.

- 8/8 Tier 3 Paladin (4/8 u torbama, paladin), 8/8 otkljucano na transmog listi,
- 7/8 Tier 3 Warrior(7/8 u torbama, paladin),

- Tier 3 Shoulders for Mage

- Tier 3 Shoulders for Hunter

- Arcanite Ripper!

- TCG Tabards:Tabard of Frost,Tabard of Defender,Tabard of Fury,Tabard of Fire (u torbama isto)!
- Sawbones TCG Shirt
- Old expansion Legendaries:Dragonwrath (mage),Sulfuras (paladin), Shadowmourne (paladin), Val'anyr (paladin),Warglaives (warrior),Thunderfury (paladin), Thori'dal (vecina karaktera), Rings from MoP (paladin).
- Mage tower appearance for Paladin(Retribution,Protection),Warrior(Fury,Protection),Demon Hunter(Vengeance),
- Challenge Mode WoD

- achievment-i iz challenge mode MOP-a
- 89 Exalted Reputations
- 117 Titles(The Undying,The Chosen, Lord of War,Warlord of Draenor, Herald of Titans,Salty,Tarren Mill Terror)
- 676 Pets (Murkimus the Gladiator) and 270 Toys
- 220K Gold
- All Blizzard store transmog helms
- ogroman broj transmog setova - uglavnom plate
- Rival BFA Season 1-Unlocked Dread Gladiator's Elite Set
- 132329 Honorable kills

Na akauntu ima dovoljno golda za mesec dana - token, takodje i neaktiviran lvl 110 boost token.


Paladin je na Outlandu. Transmog, collectors, mount, achievment FREAK account, farman 10 godina, BRDO stvari na account, u torbama, banci, void storage-u. Tier 3 itemi, TCG tabardovi itd ostali karakteri na Sylvanas-u osim mage-a.


Uz acc ide SQ i licna. Zaista mnogo vremena ulozeno, videcete sve na armory-ju (link se nalazi na post-u). Ponude u PM, Cena je: 300 evra, face to face Beograd, ili slanje novca preko postneta. Ako ste zaista zainteresovani mogu vam dati mobilni da se cujemo i dogovorimo oko cene.






Ostali bitni karakteri na akauntu:














Tu je takodje i priest i jos karaktera manje vrednosti.


Edited by DSiege
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