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Oko cele komedije koja je nastala oko tog meca , a da ne pricam o tome kako se danima pred DH smao pricalo o tome kako je Flusha navodno citer , gomila klipova i sranja od toksicnog csgo komjunitija gde 90 posto ljudi nema blage veze o cemu prica...

naravno da treba kriviti fnatic jer su goveda citerska i znali su da je ovo bug 



Dakle ti sad hoces da kazes da ekipa koja je najbolja trenutno na svetu,  znala da je taj boost zapravo bio "pixel walking" koji je nedozovljen

na turniru i svejedno ga koristila i rizikovala da bude diskvalifikovana sa turnira uz gubitak 100k dolara?

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nema sanse da su znali da je ilegalan bust i svejedno ga koristili , a odluka je siguran sam dosla od cArna i sasvim je na mestu.

opet su ispali neozbiljni jako, trebalo je da predvide sve faktore i da dobro provere situaciju, s obzirom da im je bilo jasno sta moze da se desi ako iskoriste takvu overpowered stvar u eliminacijama dh-a. devilwalk je kao izjavio da je odluka 100% od strane igraca, mada iskreno posle svega je nebitno, i te izjave nemaju nikakvu tezinu jer je cilj samo oprati se koliko je to moguce. carn je posle meca na twitteru bio u fazonu 'welcome to counter strike' i pisao neke sarkasticne statuse kojima je bukvalno pisao u facu svima. ali kao sto rekoh, retardi nisu predvideli sta ce se desiti i onda su svojim genijalnim potezima dosli do toga da moraju da predaju mec da se fanbase ne bi sveo na jednocifren broj ljudi.



x proova dobije vac ban nedelju dana pred dh, ljudi postanu svesni koliko je tesko uociti aim assistance, postanu svesni da je moguce citovanje na lanu jebenom, gomila pro igraca se oglasi i kaze kako ne veruje da je flusha legit, sta ocekujes? gomila argumenata je pala u vodu, i sada se zna da je sve moguce. istina je da je previse retarda u cs komjunitiju ali ne mozes ni da napises 'lol klipovi su smesni, nemaju veze sa zivotom'

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Oko cele komedije koja je nastala oko tog meca , a da ne pricam o tome kako se danima pred DH smao pricalo o tome kako je Flusha navodno citer , gomila klipova i sranja od toksicnog csgo komjunitija gde 90 posto ljudi nema blage veze o cemu prica...


Dakle ti sad hoces da kazes da ekipa koja je najbolja trenutno na svetu,  znala da je taj boost zapravo bio "pixel walking" koji je nedozovljen

na turniru i svejedno ga koristila i rizikovala da bude diskvalifikovana sa turnira uz gubitak 100k dolara?

pogledaj link koji sam postavio, apsolutno ništa me neće začuditi od tih slepaca.. pod 90% ljudi koji ne znaju o čemu govore smatraš i pro igrače koji takođe misle da je flusha čiter?

Edited by 7k mmr player
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@vlada  Ja ti garantujem da bi svaka ekipa postupila isto sa tim bustom , jednostavno ne mozes igrace da krivis za to uvek je bilo tako u svim igrama , ne samo u cs-u...
Opet ponavljam VALVE je kriv za to sto su pustili nezavrsenu mapu na turnir koji vredi preko milion dolara zajedno sa stikerima.


@reki bilo im je napeto nema sta , ali sam siguran da nisu imali pojma da je nelegalno i zabranjeno u pravilima


A za citere i klipove da se razumemo , ima raznih pitanja koje bih ja postavio tu , ako je istina da je baza pro igraca koji koristi taj cit 30 ljudi

a upecana su samo 3 , gde su ostalih 27 ?? Ima i onaj post na reditu gde je zapravo samo 8 ljudi to koristilo .

A pitanje za Fnatic je , koliko su zapravo oni dobri i kako su redovno pobedjivali ekipe u kojima su bili citeri ...osim ako i oni ne cituju??

90 posto Flusha klipova su smesni , 16tick  ne mozes da dokazes nista tu...

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valve je kriv, potpuno tacno. necu da kazem 'omg fnatci govnari jebem ih u usta smrdljiva' i slicno, ali su se realno potpuno neozbiljno poneli, morali su da predvide razlicite faktore, preveliki ulog je u pitanju.


@flusha klipovi

istina je da su 16 tick demoi djubre, i da je x klipova zaista smesno, ali i ogroman je broj klipova koji nisu nimalo smesni, naprotiv. neke stvari su ocigledne bez obzira sto je 16 tick. javio se navodno ko1n koji je dao 'strucno' misljenje o situaciji, rekao je da je pregledao dosta 128 demoa posto nije hteo da sudi na osnovu 16 i ne misli da je flusha legit. kaze da koriste smooth aim assistance koji povremeno koriste kao visual assistance pomocu aimlocka koji je ocigledan. par klipova flushinih su toliko uzasni da bih ja voleo da cujem bilo kakvo objasnjenje najveceg fnatic fanboya na planeti, bas me zanima sta bi rekao. (recimo 1v2 vs lgba na infernu, spray na cacheu s maina vs ldlc-a, skakutanje po kratkom na mirageu na pocetku runde dok je okrenut ka kuci i u jednom trenutku aimlockuje lika).

lik koji je pravio cit je valjda i izbacio screen iz nekog programa preko koga kontrolise klijente i navodno je samo 8 korisnika, od koga je 3 uhvaceno

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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Da se razumemo , cela ta ekipa flusha , JW , xelos ... to su sve likovi koji su ranije vec citovali i ne bih se zacudio uopste da cituju opet

Ali mora da se ide nekim normalnim putem detektovanje tih kancera za csgo, a ne preko nekih klipova i nekih tamo nazovi experta...

Stvoirla se toliko jadna atmosfera pre i tokom DH-a da je ono bilo strasno...


Odusevio me ovaj lurpisov tweet : 


Great time for newcomers to get into CS:GO. Cheaters everywhere and the world's best team glitching a map to win a series! So exciting!

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za ostatak tvog posta mislim isto kao lik u linku koji sam ostavio, a to je da bukvalno svakom igracu mozes da pronadjes isti broj "aimlock-ova" ili "neverovatnih" poteza...Evo kacili su ss i sa DH gde flusha navodno cituje i aimlockuje, a zaista mi je presmesno da bi sad pored cele ove frke oko citovanja i kontrole dosao na turnir sa citom....


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za ostatak tvog posta mislim isto kao lik u linku koji sam ostavio, a to je da bukvalno svakom igracu mozes da pronadjes isti broj "aimlock-ova" ili "neverovatnih" poteza...

gde su svi ti klipovi onda? nadjeno je 50 flushinih situacija, i onda se samo kaze 'svim ostalim igracima moze da se nadje isti broj poz', postavite slobodno pa da se iskomentarise...hocu da cujem odbranu pojedinih situacija i objasnjenje, posto ja uz sav trud ne uspevam da nadjem, a nisam retard koji vise 'CITER JEBEM GA U USTA' i mislim da se pojavilo i dosta klipova koji su smesni i nemaju veze sa zivotom

"The horse ran away with the spoon, I wish I was on the moon, too"

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moje licno misljenje je da su bar 3 igraca u fnaticu citeri :) + kioshima koji je uspeo na vreme da ocisti komp po uputstvu supex0-a (ili je mozda imao cit od ko1na koji radi potpuno drugacije :D), ali se ipak usro pa ispraznio inventar (posle izmislio kako su ga uhakovali ) ... tri top fr tima, u dva pao VAC ban, lik u trecem prazni inventar isti dan, pliz. ono sto je meni najzanimljivije je da ovaj cit od ko1n-a je bez problema prosao proveru DH-a (koja je doduse bazirana na supex0-vom citu )

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Sta znam, meni je ta izjava da trenutno 30 pro igraca cituje totalno neverovatna, tj. ne mogu da nateram sebe da verujem u to, iskreno ja sam u ovom DH-u bas uzivao, iako sam navijao za LDLC kad su igrali vs fnatic, kad sam video bust prva reakcija na to je bilo masovno odusevljenje, podsetilo me odma kad sam video prvi put bust jos davno u lanu dok nije bilo online kantera, u 1.5 na onaj bust na midu na asteku :) , no da se vratim na temu, ono sto mene najvise zanima okacili su krsh SS-ova vezano za to mrzi me sad opet da ga trazim ali na Dreamhacku 2013 takozvani "Pixelwalking" bio je zabranjen, ima li neko info zasto nije bio zabranjen i na ovom DH-u da li je moguce bilo da je neko znao da ce odredjena ekipa upravo iskoristiti takvu prednost ili je to jednostavno bio propust u organizaciji? Posto secam se na svakom turniru u 1.6 bilo kakva eksploatacija teksture je bila izricito zabranjena na primer penjanje na planinu na nuke preko kamiona sa T spawna.

kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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"I have never been banned or gotten disqualified for cheating from a tournament/league/ladder in all my life,

yet i have been reviewed by alot of different admins, for example ESL admins has reviewed me on several occasions."


odgovor coveka koji nikad nije citovao sigurno nije ovakav :))))))

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"I have never been banned or gotten disqualified for cheating from a tournament/league/ladder in all my life,

yet i have been reviewed by alot of different admins, for example ESL admins has reviewed me on several occasions."


odgovor coveka koji nikad nije citovao sigurno nije ovakav :))))))


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dobar je DH bio, jedini problem sto su Cheating Pignatic uopste dosli na njega :C


tj da ko1n-ov cit nije izvaljen :D

reki tebre, jel si dobio neki drop?


Cekaj, sta je problem?


Obe ekipe su koristile boost koji nije dozvoljen. I ni jedna ekipa fazon nije ni znala zapravo koliko je to chiterski bust, na stranu sto se vidi mapa. Ono sto je presudilo da bude zabranjen bust nije to sto se vidi mapa nego sto se 

- vidi negde kroz teksturu na nekim mestima (koje ni jedna ekipa nije eksploatisala zapravo)

- ne mozes i svih uglova da budes pogodjen.


Ispali su sise sto su to koristili, ali su mislili da je dozvoljeno jer nigde u pravilima eksplicitno ne pise da je zabranjeno. Fejlovai su sa nesigurnim lezbejstvom jer su odustali, sto je pokazalo da su zapravo sisice male. Trebali su da odigraju ponovo partiju ili half i da to bude to. Ovako oni izgledaju kao klinci glupi, a i admin izgleda ko da nema nikakav autoritet da sprovede turnir.


poz brate!

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jok ;p


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A quick response, for your interest, is that these cheats, and I have an idea of which one he is using, is available with a quick google search. Idk what valve is doing, but I'm sure they could fork out the 40$ it takes to get access. If you are interested in actually understanding some of the history behind recent cheating affairs, and what was going on behind the curtains, I wrote up a little thing for people to understand. It keeps getting removed, but you might find it interesting (original post):

So, I posted this before, but it got removed. I am reposting it, because I think that it might be interesting for some people to get an understanding of what has been happening. This if for educational purposes only, think twice before quoting me.

I have done a lot of research(true or untrue, you can decide for yourself), because I was really curious about the events. So, according to what I know, here is a rough outline of what happened.

Unknown date (years and years): supex0, a private coder makes a cheat for csgo that is completely undetected by VAC, ESEA, etc. [for those uninformed, cheats are acquired by four manners: a) free cheat that is detected within days, b) mainstream payed cheat with huge staff support that rarely gets detected(if ever). Generally these are about 20$ a month, and are only VAC undetected. c) “Non-mainstream” cheats that are barely ever detected (basically never), have a small user base, and are 50% of the time, ESEA undetected. d) Lastly, the most secure, and expensive, of these options, is you hire a private coder to make you a program for this. Generally, these guys are good hackers and coders, and charge a lot of money (in the example of supex0)

Unknown date: Players start using supex0’s cheat. He starts out with a small player base (estimated at under 30)

Unknown date: supex0’s cheats become more popular. He is a subtle guy, who leaves users alone unless attacked. Unfortunately for him, his users are not so subtle. Most of them are dicks, as a matter of fact. His user base is now estimated at (100) [yes, I am aware of the fact that previous estimates place his max users at 30. This is mostly incorrect. 30 pros is the accurate descrtiption. There were 70 other people using it.]

Specific date unknown, probably about 4-6 months ago: Several coders, who are authors of the l$ cheat (a privately coded cheat that resembles the same magnitude of supex0. Yes, IT IS STILL UNDETECTED BY EVERYTHING. PROS COULD STILL BE CHEATING IF THEY ARE USING THIS.) decide to create their own website. For sake of safety, we will call this site ‘badass cheats.’ The crew of badass cheats leaked supex0’s autoit. I presume this was to kill competition, and promote their new badass cheats, as well as make sure the their l$ cheat remained top of the scene.

About a half a month to a month ago: This guy called ‘Rizla’, whose purpose, identity, and origin, I will leave anonymous. I will not bless his sole, because his purposes may not have been as hearty as you assume, but this kid, good for him, leaks the cheat to ESEA.

Around the same time as the previous one: ESEA makes this cheat detected, and works with VAC to get it detected.

November 19+: The Vaccening.

This is the period of time when all the shit is let loose. Everything goes down. You know the specifics, I’m not getting into it. November 22(-ish) The aftermath. Reactions, reverberations, you name it.

November 23: ‘Badass cheats’ release new publicity regarding their upcoming cheat. There is currently a 7K user base, and that is without them releasing it yet. They have stayed undetected through every single ban wave so far. Coincidence that they are releasing right after bans? Maybe just lucked out? That’s up for speculation, and even if I did know, I’m not saying anything.

I have no clue what you are going to do with this information, but if there is anything that I think you should definitely glean, its that cheating is still here. L$ is still undetected, and will remain so. Pros still have access to this cheat, and just because supex0 got detected doesn’t mean that pros aren’t using l$. I hope I could have illuminated some dark areas of the recent scandal. Have a good one.

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have you not learned ANYTHING these past two weeks? just watch the demos of the semifinals and the finals. kioshima was blatant. the rest cheat too, but they're better at hiding it. the cheat is a very subtle aimbot that is fully configurable for each gun and each body part, it has an aimkey that allows you to point to models through walls to give you an indication where they might be, and it has a triggerbot that will automatically shoot and manipulate the spread while on an enemy. the triggerbot is able to be turned on and off. ever wonder why these kids have "superhuman reflexes" with awps? shots you can't even fathom? yep. it's not them reacting.

it is done using modified usb hardware. all of this is now well known. if you don't have the knowledge to spot it, then just bow out of the debate. don't see a name you like, or has won in the past, and say "oh, he can't cheat, he's scream, he's just really good." (scream does cheat by the way.)

i am not a "troll." i've played cs for almost 14 years. i rarely play these days, but i enjoy watching, and what i watched this weekend was a bunch of cheaters play a lan. it breaks my heart. sad to say, but it does. the integrity of the competition is paramount, and this dreamhack was meaningless.

finally, the PROOF IS THE DEMOS. that is ALL WE HAVE. i just don't know what "proof" some people are looking for... if you think it's a vac ban, you're kidding yourself... vac has never been reliable. it's the reason CAL had an army of anti cheat admins... it's the reason we have overwatch...

flusha: you really want people's respect? quit the game and start naming names. you're done with cs. it's over for you. you cheat. you've always cheated.

but the fact is you're not alone, and you know it. you know ldlc cheated. you know that many players from many other teams cheated. you've stolen thousands, so have your fellow "pros." if you wanna help clean it up, so be it. if not, please just fucking disappear with your 4 other cheating teammates.

no. as long as players can use their own mice and keyboards, like they did this weekend, it will not be secure. kioshima was BLATANTLY cheating, for example. laughably blatant. shox and nbk toggled a triggerbot. happy looked fishy as fuck as well. these are not very good cs players, they are just professional cheaters. remember: they played with and against kqly and sf while they cheated on lan. you really believe they all had no idea what was going on?

there is a very sad reality in this game, and it is just now coming to light.

btw i am not "witch hunting," i am calling like i see it. i don't care what your name or your pedigree is. now that we know how this works: very sublte aimbot with percentages to hit certain body parts, as well as an aimlock to find models through walls, as well as a triggerbot, maybe even a counter strafe component, we can see it on demos.

it's obvious why they're so good with the cz now.

why the fuck are some people under the impression that DHW was cheat free? players could use their own mice and keyboards. done. end of story. automatically not cheat free. the tournament was won by cheaters, in fact

read this: http://www.dailydot.com/esports/the-vaccening-counter-strike/


Dreamhack allowed players to use their own mice and keyboards. All 5 fnatic players were cheating, but they're not alone. Ldlc is cheating, HR cheated, Navi is cheating... This is the sad reality.

People who have not been around for years maybe don't realize the long history of cheating on lan. We got lazy. We allowed players to do whatever they wanted, and we didn't question them because they are pros. It's very, very sad to see. The only match I've seen so far where it didn't look like anyone was cheating is nip vs vp.

Before you tell me that they're innocent until vac'ed, or we can't bust from demos, or all pros look the same, save it. For one, vac has not been reliable in any iteration of cs. If you're waiting for valve to find cheaters, you'll be waiting forever. The only reason kqly and sf were banned is because smn leaked a private cheat to esea. The problem is that this is not the only private cheat out there, and kqly and sf cheated on lan for well over a year

This community needs to realize that anti cheat software has never been effective in catching cheaters, and they need to let go of the trust they have in big names. The reality is that players will cheat, especially at this level, because the stakes are so high. Educate yourselves on how the cheats work.

The worst part is that so many honest players have been screwed out of thousands because nobody even considered the possibility that cheating on lan was an issue until 2 weeks ago. If it had happened 2 months ago, with time to supply players peripherals instead of using their own, we may have had a clean dreamhack. It's a huge bummer for me. I've played since 2002, and this game has a special place in my heart, even though I rarely play these days, and to see so many people cheating, especially big names, is heartbreaking.

The saddest part for me, is that instead of the old days, where people would aggressively scrutinize players, regularly make bust movies, and debate whether people were cheating, what we see today is a new generation that lacks that perspective. We have people who think it's a witch hunt, or think theres no way they can cheat at this level. I pray that valve has done something at dreamhack and will take aggressive action against EVERYONE who is cheating, even if it guts a lot of teams and ends a lot of big name careers. If not, the integrity this game once enjoyed, on lan at least, is gone forever.


itd :D

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fnatic i ldlc su 2 najvece djubretarske ekipe ikad u kanteru. usrani francuski sorseri sto ko neke picke kukaju po tviteru,streamu,fb...njih treba banovati sa svih majora dok ne nauce ono sto ih tate i tate nisu naucili nakon sto su ih usvojili posle sklapanja GAY braka. a one hltv njuske sto bustuju flushu preko GIFova tj mutavog crtanog filma od "klipa" -_- pa valjda ce multi milijarderska kompanija moci da provali ko sve cheatuje valjda su za toliko sposobni... iako ne umeju da naprave igru sa normalnim enginom i mapama koje ne prkose bas svim zakonima fizike... meni je veci show onaj boost za krace na overpass na sred jebeno ravnog zida...  tako da mozda je fnatic antipatican i sumnjiv ali cinjenica je dok se ne dokaze da su citeri mogu da nam se smeju u facu kao i do sad. 

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