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WTS Battlenet acc - DK+Hunt


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Pozdrav drugari.prodajem acc za ljubitelje [:o)] PvE + [}:)] PvP-a:


Na  Acc-u se nalazi sledeće.
1x 90 High Warlord DK (Ragnaros) Horda-Orc

1x 90 Hunter (Ragnaros) Horda-Orc

1x 85 Druid (Spinebreaker) Horda - Tauren

1x 80 Warrior (Spinebreaker) Horda - Orc

1x 80 Monk (Ragnaros) Horda - Undead

1x 70 Warlock (Spinebreaker) Horda - Undead

I pregršt low altova sa heirloomima


Malo o gearu:


High Warlord DK (Ragnaros) Horda-Orc:

Dk mi je main,sa njim raidujem:

525 item lvl TANK gear

517lvl DPS gear

497 BiS PvP gear







S4 full set

S8 full set

S9 Elite gear

S10 full set

S11 full set

S12 Elite gear

za S13 elite gear fali 3k Cp tako da ako vas ne mrzi možete i to da uzmete :)

Full Tier 15

MoP dungeon setove obe boje

Magma Plated Set

Hyperion Set (rare zeleni sa AH)

Random transmog epix

tridesetak transmog weaponsa.

Legendary: Thunderfury i Sulfuras


Profesije:Jewelcrafring i Blacksmithing


Dk-u fali 2.2k iz 2s i 5s za Arena Mastera.


4000 Honora

4000 Justice


[roflmao] VAŽNO!!!: Dk je na legendary questu blizu cloaka.imam legendary meta-gemove za oba speca


Hunter (Ragnaros) Horda-Orc

513 PvE itemlvl

496 BiS PvP itemlvl







Replica High Warlord set - žuti (2400rate)

Replica General set - ljubičasti (2400 rate)

S9 full set

S10 full set 

S11 full set

S12 full set

S13 ELITE set (fali samo cp da se skupi ako vas ne mrzi :)

Gianstalker garb full set- T1

Firewalker HC full set

Striker's full set (AQ40)


desetak weaponsa za transmog

Legendary: Thori-dal


Profesije:Enchanting i Leatherworking


3700 conquest pts.


[roflmao]Važno!: Hunter je na legendary questu blizu meta gema.


Druid 85 (Spinebreaker) Horda - Tauren:

Full pvp gear.


Monk 80 (Ragnaros) Horda - Undead

Heirloomi za 85 lvl


Warlock 70 (Spinebreaker) Horda - Undead

Full BiS PvP gear za lvl 70


10180 achievementa,pokupljenih usput...


Amory od jednog od altova gde se mogu videti achi detaljnije :


27 FoS Achineke koje bih naveo :

Ahead of the Curve: Will of the Emperor

Ahead of the Curve: Grand Empress Shek'zeer

Ahead of the Curve: Sha of Fear

Ahead of the Curve: Lei Shen

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker 

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury


Titule :
Svi PvP rankovi! - High Warlord (2500mmr)
Veteran Of The Horde

The Tranquill Master

The Merrymaker

The Hallowed

Of The Four Winds

Of The Nightfall

The Kingslayer

The Light Of Dawn

The Explorer

Defender Of The Shattered World

i još mnoge druge...



Mountovi .


Viscious War Wolf (75 RBG wins)

Albino Drake

Black Drake

Blue Drake

Bronze Drake

Onyxan Drake

Green Proto-Drake

Rusted Proto-Drake

Mechano-Hog (2 person mount)

Grand War Black Mammoth (3 person mount)

Dire Primal-horn

Dark Phoenix

Jade Serpent

Onyx Serpent

Brew-Fest Ram


Shando-Pan Riding Tiger



Registrovan je na London/Eng tako da možete i da RaFujete vreme i ako sam se ja uglavnom uzdržavao od toga

Account se prodaje isključivo u celini i ističe za malo više od mesec dana tako da ću ga za mesec dana prodati najvećem bidderu  [8D]



PM me ili
Skype : FilipChocic


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