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HTC Desire Google Account Sync


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cm-7-20130301-NIGHTLY-bravo je verzija androida


kad idem na menu - settings - accounts & sync - add account upisem celu email adresu, tacan password. Next, pa se otvori server settings http://www.tr.txstate.edu/get-connected/computerservices/e-mail-setup/android-exchange/contentParagraph/0/content_files/file0/android_email_setup_03b.png <- samo primer


i ako odem samo next izbacuje mi "Unable to open connection to server", pa sam guglao to i procitao da treba da se promeni server iz "gmail.com" u m.google.com


u tom slucaju mi izbacuje "This server requires security features your phone does not support", za sta kad sam guglao uglavno pise da je do verzije androida


Da li je moguce da je bas zbog toga ili ima nesto sto moze jos da se uradi


in b4 da li sam na wirelessu :D ili da kupim motorolu :D


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definitivno sam corav :D


dobro idemo dalje, sledeci problem :D


kad hocu da skinem aplikaciju kaze mi:


"You havent accesed the google play store app (the white shoping bag app icon) on your device with this email account"


ne vidim usranu belu ikonicu

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