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WTS Warlock PvP - Ashes of Al'Ar


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Prodajem account jer prestajem da igram. Prvi sam i jedini vlasnik, nikada hakovan/banovan niti bilo sta slicno. Uz account dajem SQ/A, sken LK i sve ostale podatke.

Account ima 11750 achivement poena sa ~150 mountova, ~120 petova, ~50 titula, 10ak Feats of Strenght. Na accountu moze da se radi RaF, produzen je jos mesec dana.

- Mountovi : Svi reputation mountovi, svi honor mountovi, svi Glory of xyz mountovi... izdvajam Ashes of Al'ar(0.1% drop), Swift White Hawkstrider(0.2% drop), Amani Battle Bear (ne moze se vise uzeti), Great Brewfest Kodo (0.2% drop), X-53 Touring Rocket (ne moze se vise uzeti).

- Petovi : Svi reputation petovi, svi vendor petovi i nekoliko rare petova...izdvajam Elementium Geode, Fungal Abomination, Ghostly Skull, Imperial Moth/Silkworm (rare tailoring drop), Little Fawn, Lost of Lordaeron, Mr.Grubbs, Terrible Turnip, Untamed Hatchling, Voodoo Figurine, Willy.

- Titule : izdvajam Commander (i sve RBG titule pre r11), Crusader, Farmer, Loremaster, Seeker, Flamebreaker (skoro nemoguce uzeti sada).

- Na akauntu se nalaze heirloomi za svaku klasu.

- Charovi :

1. Human Warlock - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Bludnik/simple

PvP : Full malevolent gear ( 7 itema imaju 2/2 upgrade), RBG CR 2150

PvE : Full epic gear (mix Valor,LFR,Normal itema ~490 ilvl)

Tailoring 600 - 90% patterna.

Enchanting 600 - svi patterni.

Cooking 600

Arheologija 600 - skoro svi artifakti uzeti.

First Aid 600

2. Night Elf Druid - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Bludniklol/simple

PvP : Skoro full malevolent (fale trinketi) za resto

PvE : 50% epic Guardian gear

Mining 600

Herbalism 600

3. Human Priest - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/La%C3%BDla/simple

PvP : 6 Malevolenta ostalo Upgrejdovan Dreafull za shadow

Engineering 600

4. Human Mage - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Bludnica/simple

PvE : full heroic gear za fire

5. Night Elf Warrior - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Bludnicalol/simple

PvE : skoro full heroic gear za prot

6. Human Monk - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Bludnicabre/simple

tek dingovan

i veliki broj lower lvl altova - izdvajam Huntera 89. lvl... svi altovi imaju max riding skill za svoj lvl + torbice preko 16 slot (mainovi imaju one od 26 slota).

Svi charovi mogu da se transfer i race/name change.

Akaunt cenim 250 eura, molim zainteresovane da se jave sa ponudama na pm ili 064/27-97-625.

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