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Hunt 89 legendary/pala 85+2 alta,mage/priest88+ dosta low lvl


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Hunt 121 atm mount, 433ilvl, 89lvl atm bice do sutra 90, 44 exalted rep, 11k ach poena, FOS 37 neki od boljih It's Over Nine Thousand! Reins of the Raven Lord,Winterspring Frostsaber Swift White Hawkstrider, The Horseman's Reins, A Tribute to Skill (10 player) A Brew-FAST,t...Mount Azure Drake Mount EOE Malygos1%drop rate, ,amani batle bear, Black Drake Mount Os 10 man, Blue Dragonhawk 100+mount,RAGNAROS Hc mode mount sa Pureblood Fire Hawk koji ce biti1% drop u MOP, Raven Lord Red/gren Proto-Drake,MgT mount...Profesije Engenniring 590, Jw600 ostale 540+,Pala 85lvl alchemy 600, Mining 540,933ilvl, Priest 88lvl 404ilvl Ins/herb 600,Mage 85lvl...Shamy82lvl....Rogue 75..Raspolozen sam za svaki dogovor..Trade/prodaje.Pm ili 069 620 927.Drood/shaman me ne zanima za trade,ostale klase dolaze u obzir, game time jos mesec dana..

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