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CYPHER: Cyberpunk Text Adventure


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Na pogresno mesto sam postovao. Neka moderator prebaci u sekciju "Avanture".

Stara skola. Inace, igru su napravila dva Spanca.

Sve sto hocete da uradite, morate da otkucate.

Dobra fora. Otkucas Sayonara i tako izlazis iz igre :))


If you have never played a Text Adventure game before you may find

yourself a bit lost at first; here are some handy tips to help you out on

your first steps.

1.Remember to SAVE your game often. NeoSushi City is a dangerous

place and dead can be at the turn of any corner.You will likely die a

few times during your gameplay, so be sure to save your progress

before making any important decision. One note about saves: there is

only one slot to save to, so each time you restart or save your

adventure, it will erase all previous versions you may have saved in

that slot.

2. Pay attention to the story. YOU ARE the main character of this game

and as such, any information is relevant for you to find out what is

going on. Skipping text without actually reading it and giving it a

proper thought will make it only hard for you to complete the game.

3. Take everything you can carry with you.Your trench coat has deep

pockets, so don’t be afraid to run out of space.The more items you

have at your disposal, the better chances you have to make it

through the story.

4.When talking to another character make sure to ask relevant

questions, they probably give you some interesting answers that will

help you move along the story.

5.Draw maps! yes, the long forgotten art of drawing in a sheet of paper

to see where you are at! you see, Cypher doesn’t has a complicated

map structure, in many ways it’s an introductory game to the world of

Text Adventures for a lot of you out there and drawing a map may not

even be necessary if you pay attention to the exists descriptions; but

we recommend to always draw maps while playing a Text Adventure:

it helps to get things moving faster and besides, it’s fun as hell!

6.Play with another person. Yes, CYPHER can be multiplayer too (no

modem needed!). Playing with your brother, your sister, a friend or a

loved one next to you can be quite helpful: different people see

puzzles from different angles and as you may know, two heads are

better than one!

7.Try everything you can possible think of: like with life, sometimes

doing silly stuff can point you in the right direction!

Evo i komande:

LOCK [obj] Lock Door

TAKE/GRAB [obj] Take briefcase - Grab Multi-Card

GO [north, south, west, east, up, down] Use go North, South, West, East, Up and

Down to move through the story.

USE [obj] Use toilet - Use Terminal - Use Phone

CALL [number] Call 911 - Call 101

OPEN [obj] Open Briefcase

Note: in case of doors you must also add

the direction of the door. If the door is

east, then the right command is “Open

East Door”.

CLOSE [obj] Close Briefcase - Close East Door

TURN [obj] ON/OFF Turn Radio On - Turn Radio Off

TOUCH [obj] Touch Angelica - Touch Sofa

STAND You simply stand.

DUCK You duck near the floor!

SCORE / Stats Your overall score up to this point

INVENTORY (or I) The contents of your inventory will be


[person name], [command/question] Sarah, get me a beer - Paul, where you say

that club was? - John, why you are so ugly?

Note: you MUST include the comma

after the person’s name, otherwise the

command won’t work.

SAVE Displays the onscreen instructions to save

the game. Keep in mind though: you only

have ONE save slot (that’s right).

QUIT GAME Sayonara!

RESTORE Displays the onscreen instructions to

restore a previously saved game.

RESTART It will erase your current save game and

start from zero again.

JUMP [north, south, west, east, up, down] You can jump on CYPHER! just be careful

not to break a leg. You can jump in any

direction if the time is right!

Jump East - Jump North - Jump Down

CLIMB UP/DOWN Climb up - Climb down the gutter

GET IN / OUT / GET INSIDE / OUTSIDE Get in/out - Get inside/outside

STEP INSIDE/OUTSIDE Step inside - Step Outside

RUB EYES Sometimes you will find it difficult to see,

it is always good to rub your eyes!

KNOCK Door Position Knock west door - Knock south door

SHOOT [person/obj] WITH [gun] Shoot Javier with pistol - Shoot Carlos

with shotgun

DANCE You can try, but you will never be as good

as Dogeron.

SCREAM You are not proud of this, but from time

to time, you scream to let go stress. You

can’t scream at people though.


SMELL / LISTEN Sometimes it can be useful to smell or

listen to your surroundings.

Smell / Listen

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Jesam. Bez spiska komandi je jako tesko. Ovo bih voleo da imam u kolekciji, ali se bojim da nasi ovo nece uvesti. Mislim da su cak odstampali u prirucniku uz igru samo jedan karton sa komandama. A igra je super. Mora dobro da se pazi i svaka recenica da se procita, jer se preplice dosta skrivenih poruka, kodova i reci. Ovo je HC Cyberpunk txt avantura. Prava stara skola i igra nije za svakoga. Igra je teska oko 400mb i radjena je u UNITYju. Evo i par zanimljivih stvari:




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Dobar koncept, jeziva izvedba.

Ja sam je skinuo jos u nekoj od prvih verzija kada je igru krasio gugl translejshn bez spelchekera.

A i "upravljanje" je prilicno krimi.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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