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Koji dokumentarac o Če Gevari?

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Shvatio sam da ne znam mnogo o liku i delu ce gevare. Malopre procitah na wikiju

Any firm wishing to hire a Cuban must pay the Cuban government, which in turn will pay the employee in Cuban pesos. Cubans cannot change jobs without government permission. The average wage at the end of 2005 was 334 regular pesos per month ($16.70 per month) and the average pension was $9 per month.

sto implicira da je ce najveci fail centralne amerike, al hteo bih da pogledam neki neostrasceni objektivni dokumentarac (koliko je to moguce), koji govori o gevarinom liku i delu.. mozete li nesto da preporucite, ili cu morati da otvorim neku knjigu od 400 strana da bih stekao neku siru sliku?

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The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ma nije valjda američki izvor oslikao čea kao najveći fail, moj svet je potresen iz temelja

dnevnik motocikliste da vidiš kakav je bio u mladosti i šta ga je navelo da postane če, pa onda che part one i part two sa benisiom.

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