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This email confirms that we have now debited a random amount between 1.01 and 2.99 EUR from your credit/debit card. You must complete the following steps to verify your credit/debit card:

* Check your statement for the exact EUR transaction amount. NOTE: If you have access to online statements, your issuer may take a few days to update them with this transaction.

* Log into your Skrill (Moneybookers) account and click the 'verify' link next to your credit/debit card in your profile

* Insert the debited amount in the box provided.


ovo mi izbaci kad ubacim 'random amount between 1.01 and 2.99 EUR' ...

You have entered the incorrect amount. You must wait 24 hours before we will allow you to make another attempt. Our service department will be unable to assist you during this period.

Please check again on your statement for the exact amount in EUR. If your credit/debit card issuer does not show the amount in EUR, you cannot verify your card with Skrill(Moneybookers). Do NOT try and guess the amount!

Kad bi neki ljudi skocili sa visine svog ega na visinu svoje inteligencije - poginuli bi definitivno.

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[roflmao] Ovo je u fazonu "Reci kako se zoves" , "Kako se zoves"

Neo ti je objasnio. Moj ti je savet da odes do banke i pitas tacno u cent kolko su ti skinuli. Ako gledas online zna nekad da bude neprecizno i opet ces cekati 24h. Tako je bar bilo kada sam ja pravio.

Edited by moyo

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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U zavisnosti od banke prilikom rezervacije sredstava ti banka doda svoj neki procenat (npr. intesa 5-6%) i ono sto vidis online je nazalost sa tim procentom i iznos nije onaj koji su ti u stvari charge-ovali ovi sa MB-a, tako da odes do banke ili pozoves njihovu autorizaciju i trazis tacan iznos transakcije pre dodavanja procenta banke prilikom rezervacije.

Taj procenat se naravno vraca na tvoj racun kada se autorizacija (transakcija) zatvori.

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