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Uroš Dujmović a.k.a Xerax je prevarant. Pošto smo se dogovorili u vezi kupoprodaje, pošaljem ja njemu lepo pare, on meni navodno "podatke" od acc-a i pre nego što sam stigao da se ulogujem i da promenim mail piše da je acc banovan. Logujem se na battlenet.eu gde dobijam sledeći mail:

Hello xxxxxxxxxx,

You are receiving this message as we have found that your account has become compromised.

- What has happened?

1. Your Battle.net account has become compromised

2. Your e-mail account has become compromised

3. Your Battle.net secret question and answer have been compromised

As a result of this, I have temporarily suspended your World of Warcraft account, and disabled your current secret question and answer as a security precaution.

- What will I need to do next?

1. As we will need to update your e-mail address, please reply to this ticket with a new e-mail address that has not already been used with a Battle.net account.

2. Nominate a new secret question and answer from the list below

3. Scan or take a good quality picture of your photo ID (passport, driver's licence etc.) for ownership verification (please make sure to make this with your ID placed on today's newspaper)

4. Create a new support ticket with your newly created Battle.net account, and provide the following information in a text document (.TXT file, e.g. Notepad file) as an attachment:

- Battle.net Account Name: The current account name (email address) you are using to login.

- Confirmation that you agree to have your original Battle.net account e-mail changed to that of your newly created Battle.net account (your newly created account will be disabled as a result).

- NEW secret question and answer

- Name: The full name that the account was created with.

- A scan or digital image of nationally recognised photo ID, such as passport or drivers license (please do not include public transport cards, library cards etc, as these are unsuitable for our needs) as a separate attachment.

The list of available secret questions is:

- First elementary school I attended?

- The high school I graduated from?

- Mother's city of birth?

- Father's city of birth?

- Your city of birth?

- Name of your first pet?

- Best friend in high school?

- Model of your first car?

- Your first employer (company name)?

The answer to the question doesn't necessarily have to be the right one, but can be an answer that only you will know.

For security reasons, we ask that you do not write your new secret question/answer and your account details in the main body of your ticket.

Once we have received this information, we will be able to process your account further.

We have also removed your recurring subscription details from the account; you will not be billed again on this card unless you enter the details again manually. Once the current subscription is over, if no further payment details are added, your account will become frozen

We invite you to visit our official Blizzard Customer Support Videos, where you will be able to find troubleshooting solutions to the most common issues such as account security:


From here you can choose the videos:

WoW - What to do after being hacked

WoW - Account security - general tips

Please note that our videos only have English voiceover. However, subtitles are available in all of our supported languages. To change subtitles, mouse over the 'CC' icon below the video and select the language of your choice.

Best regards,


Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment Europe


Ukoliko vas mrzi da čitate objasniću vam ukratko. Lik je, najverovatnije, pre nego sto sam ja promenio mail od acc-a već iskoristio za kreiranje drugog acc-a i time banovao ovaj. Sada je blokiran sq i ne postoji način na koji se moze promeniti mail osim da se Blizzardu pošalju novi podaci sa kopijom lične karte da bi se Blizzard uverio da sam pravi vlasnik. Pošto je lik tada bio na ,,poslu" rekao je da ne moze da pošalje kopiju lične karte dok se ne vrati kući. Nakon što se ovo dogodilo zovem ga na mobilni.... Naravno ne javlja se. Šaljem brdo poruka i PM na ruru ista situacija, nema odgovora. Posle par dana dobijam poruku, od navodno njegovog mlađeg brata sa tekstom da je on trenutno na moru u Egiptu i da ce doći u sredu, posto njegov ,,mlađi brat" ne igra wow i ne moze da mi pomogne. Pošto sam ja strpljiv dečko lepo sačekam do srede, i od tog dana do dana današnjeg mi odbija pozive što je svima poznato o čemu se radi.

A da imam i broj telefona 0600694416.

Tako da ljudi pazite se i pamet u glavu, čak i članovi koji su na ruru više od 5 godina mogu da vam ga zabiju duboko.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could

If a woodchuck could chuck wood!

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To nije ban. Blizz je jednostavno detektovao da se neko konektovao sa drugog IP opsega i mislio je da je acc hacked. Nije te lik prevario. To se poslednjih dana desava sa unmerged accountima sto je verovatno slucaj sa tim acc.

Nije te prevario u principu. Moraces samo da se cimas sa supportom i licnim podatcima.

Acc je samo closed. Za koliko para si to uzeo?

U principu treba samo licna vlasnika da bi sve zavrsio.

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To sto se desilo sa account-om je samo "mera sigurnosti" Blizzarda. Ako na primer sada das svoj account nekom ko nije iz Srbije (primer Danska), cim ta osoba pokusa da se uloguje Blizzard automatski zakljucava account iz sigurnosnih razloga. To se desava jer se razlikuje Proxy i IP, tako da time u 90% slucajeva eliminisu rizik od hakovanja.

Kontaktiraj Blizzard, posalji scan licne ili pasosa od originalnog vlasnika accounta i neces imati problema. Ne zaboravi da promenis SQ/SA!

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To nije ban. Blizz je jednostavno detektovao da se neko konektovao sa drugog IP opsega i mislio je da je acc hacked. Nije te lik prevario. To se poslednjih dana desava sa unmerged accountima sto je verovatno slucaj sa tim acc.

Nije te prevario u principu. Moraces samo da se cimas sa supportom i licnim podatcima.

Acc je samo closed. Za koliko para si to uzeo?

U principu treba samo licna vlasnika da bi sve zavrsio.

Sve je to u "principu" ...covek ga uporno zove a on se ne javlja,sve se to da zavrsiti u roku od maksimalno 15 minuta a decko ga ceka toliko dugo..Obviously je popio scam ..

uzgred,taj isti Xerax je prodavao druida 9.5k achiev poena i ne znam ti ja sta jos sve za bednih 35 eura..Pao je bio deal izmedju njega i mene da pazarim account cak sam mu davao 50 eura samo da sto pre pazarim account..Uglavnom pao je deal i od tada kada smo se dogovorili decko je jednostavno nestao,svaku moju poruku je ignorisao i pored toga sto je dolazio na rur..to sve govori o njegovoj NEozbiljnosti i NEodgovornosti..

Nadam se da ce se u svakom slucaju ovo resiti u tvoju korist i da ces dobiti nazad svoj acc ..


I da ...on nema njegovu kopiju licne karte,uopste nema nista od dokumentacije originalnog vlasnika accounta..tako da je u corsokaku ..

Edited by Astora
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U redu ljudi čak da je tako i da me, kao što vi kažete, nije prevario to ne objašnjava njegovo ružno ponašanje ignorišući sve moje poruke i pozive. On da je čist poslao bi mi tu kopiju ličnu karte i sad ne bi bilo problema.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could

If a woodchuck could chuck wood!

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