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WTS Cata acc 3x 85 etc


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dk 10.5k ach, 127 mounta (spectral gryphon, raketa), 78 petova, full cata, 391 dps gear, 380 tank gear. 2395 3v3, 2354 2v2. RBG mount.

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ravencrest/lefuu/simple 11k + conquest poena :P

shaman full cata resto, raketa, tokeni i offdelovi + weap za pve resto ili ele.. nisam promenio.. ali moze da se spakuje skoro ceo gear


hunter 85 fresh. 80 rogue, 80 paladin, 76 paladin, 74 druid, 70 lock, 69 priest, 6x warr, i gomila manji lvl gluposti.

JC, alch, engi, ench, herb, mining, inscrip.

Account je od 2006 tako da imam gomilu vaniti itema i svasta nesto, haunted memento, wrathful tabard, old t2 weaps... etc.

Winged Guardian mount na svim characterima.

Vodi se na Britaniju tako da moze da se radi recruit a friend i scroll of ress. Ima jos 3-4 meseca dz.

Prodajem zato sto prestajem da igram.

Skype: lefuu34

Edited by Djenka88
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