shiftz Posted January 31, 2012 Report Share Posted January 31, 2012 Prodajem wow cataclysm account sa 4 lika 85 level,igram 3 godine,imam sve kodove i secret answer,evo linkova za likove: hunter markmanship pve 377 ilvl .5230 achivment poena,Sve vazne reputacije,leatherworking i skinning 525 obe, cooking 525/525 ,fishing 525/525,first aid 525/525. 29 companions,33 mounta (Drake of the West Wind,Flameward hyppogryph,zeleni proto drake,Headless Horseman's Mount, Swift Zulian Panther,itd) Arcane mage PVE 380 ilvl . 3720 ach poena,Sve bitne rep.enchanting i tailoring obe 525,archeology 165/525, cooking 525/525,fishing 525/525. 19 companions,18 mounta(Drake of the West Wind,Flameward hyppogryph,Headless Horseman's Mount,Frosty Flying Carpet, Blue Qiraji Battle Tank,Purple Skeletal Warhorse itd) Frost Dk 378 ilvl pve ima i opremu za tankovanje offspec,4215 ach poena,sve bitne reputacije.Engieneering i mining obe 525/525 Cooking,fishing first aid sve 525/525. 23 companions,16 mounts(Black War Raptor,Drake of the West Wind,Flameward hyppogryph,headless horseman's mount, White polar bear,itd.) Druid healer 378 pve,Enchanting i jwc 525/525 obe,njega sam skoro pravio. ima jos par likova na accountu koji nisu level 85. Nisam igrao neko vreme,otprilike 15 dana,tako da nisam ni uplacivao game card.Account nikad nije hakovan,imam sve potrebne podatke. Za ponude se javite na skype draganm93 ili saljite poruke na broj 065/560-83-86 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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