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Female Gnome WarLock Anonimna


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Ovog warlock-a sam pocheo da igram ubrzo po pochetku 'Kataklizme', 12. januara sam dingovao 85lvl. Od tada sam u njega ulozhio 83dana zivota.

Lock se nalazi na Sylvanas-u.

Trenutni ilvl je 383. Full pve/pvp gear.5/5 t12. 1/5 t13. +Full Ruthless.

trenutno ima 10530achie poena,10fos-ova...

pored toga ima 43titule, 118 maunta i 49exalted fakcija.(vrlo brzo 50/Insane in the Membrane pri kraju)

takodje ima Thunderfury, i tarecgosa quest u progresu.

Sve profesije(tailoring/minig) su na 525 skillu zajedno za secondary profesijama.

Ima 170cooking recepata i fali 1 rare recept za [Hail to the Cheef].

Vezano za fishing: 5k upecanih riba, upecan Old Ironjaw, 11/14 Accomplished Angler.

Rare fishing head i rare fishing pole. Takodje i epic fishing pole od Kalu'ak reputacije.

Arheologija:preko 300kraftova-18rare(1mount+3peta+2forme+drinking horn+...)

Neke titule: Bloodsail Admiral,Commander(+10rbg titula), Defender of the Shattered world,,The Diplomat, The Exalted,The Light of Dawn, Matron(Patron), the Nobble, The Pilgrim, the Haloweed, Flame Warden,Brewmaster....

Neki maunti: Albino drake, Amani Battle bear, Black Drake, Bloodbathered Vanquisher(icc10), Blue Dragonhawk(100mount achie), 4 AQ bube(blue,yelow, green, RED),6honor maunta,Darnassian Nightsaber, Fossilized Raptor, Dark Phoenix, Grand Ice Mammoth, Traveler's Thundra Mammoth, Chopper, Raven Lord, Spectral Steed, Swift White Hawkstrider, Winterspring Frostsaber, White Polar bear, Volcanic Stone drake, X-53 Touring Rocket i mnogi mnogi drugi....

79/129 quest achievementa 2500questova uradjeno.1600 daily questova. 2/5 Loremaster.

110/230 pvp achievementa. 1750r u svim bracketima(2vs2/3vs3/5vs5)preko 1k pobedjenih arena+Rival s10.

Ponude ostavite na forumu ili addujte na skype-u. 'igorzarkovic'



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