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Poz ,zeleo bih da prodam ili menjam acc na kojem se nalaze sledeci charovi :

1.Human Mage Haomarush - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/haomarush/Failmage/simple (solidan gear ima 280 % flying ,525 alch & herb )

2.Night Elf Haomarush - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/haomarush/Millica/simple (igran nesto malo posle dinga na 85 )

3. Human Rogue Haomarush - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/haomarush/Markoni/simple ( ima agi heirloome )

Acc nije uplacen .

Imam sve cd keyeve od vanile do cataclysma. Prvi sam vlasnik,nikad banovan ni hakovan acc. Spreman sam da dam i kopiju pasosa uz sve to.

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