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WTS acount 5x85 chars EXTRA PONUDA!


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Prestajem sa wowom zato i prodajem Acc.

Acount je uplacen do 16-stog Oktobra.

Realm Sylvanas 5x 85 lvl


Hunter dwarf - pvp gear Full Vicious.pve gear je epic i nesto malo iz hcova.6000 achivmenta, proff:Mining 525,jc 525,cooking 525,fishing 370. 310% mount speed

Od mountova imam Chopera,black and ice Mamuta,red proto drake,brewfest ram,i jos 40 raznih mountova.

Od titula imam:Ambassador,crusader,jenkins,twilight vanquisher,of all cityes,ashen verdict,of the nightfall,kingslayer,i jos dosta.


Priest Night elf girl - pvp discipline gear full vici.Proff:mining 525,herb 525. 280% mount speed


Shaman Draenei girl - pvp gear resto full bloodthristy,Enha full vici. proff:mining 500 , enginering 450. 280% mount speed


Rogue Night elf girl - 60 lvl


Druid Tauren:pve resto full epic ,i feral tank full epic ima 378 ilvl staff za healovanje i polearm za tankovanje,back,waist,neck 378,legs t12... proff:herb 540,alchemy 525 280% mount speed


Warrior Tauren:Pvp gear Full Vicious. 280% mount speed


Pala Blood elf 50 lvl

Prvi sam vlasnik,acount nikad nije bio hackovan,niti banovan.Dajem kopiju licne karte uz acount.

Ako ste zainteresovani Zovite me na mob 063/7333-240,ili me addujte na skajpu "Besankaoris".

Cena je 120 e!

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