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WTS hunter FL gear! full pvp gear!


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prodajem cata acc na accountu imam huntera arrmory (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/hakkar/Jokanlol/simple)

titule: ambasador , blood guard , centrion ,champion of frozen wates , crusader , defender of the shattered world , elder , frist sergeant , grunt , jeknins , legionnaire , scount ,senior sergent ,sergeant , stone gueard , twigliht vanquiser , of ogrimmar , of sen'jin , of silvermoon , of undercity , of tunderbluff , off the ashen verdict , of the nightfall , the explorer ,the kingslayer , the patient

vazni mounti: [Albino Drake], [black War Bear], [bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher], [blue Proto-Drake], [Dark Phoenix], [Flameward Hippogryph], [Red Proto-Drake], [Kor'kron Annihilator], [Turbo-Charged Flying Machine] [Volcanic Stone Drake], [Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank], [blue Qiraji Battle Tank], [black War Kodo]

ostali mounti : [blue Riding Nether Ray], [Cobalt Riding Talbuk], + svi mounti iz rep za gradove ....sve ukupno imam 78 mounta!

20,000 golda ima na hunteru!

sto se tice geara iLVL je 379

-pve opis:

[Flamewaker's Headguard], [Necklace of Strife], [Flickering Shoulders of the Windflurry], [sleek Flamewrath Cloak], [Flamewaker's Tunic] [Hide-Bound Chains], [Ranseur of Hatred] ,[Lava Bolt Crossbow], [Prestor's Talisman of Machination] [Ricket's Magnetic Fireball], [band of Glittering Lights] [Widow's Kiss] ,[Decimation Treads], [Flamewaker's Legguards] [Firearrow Belt] ,[Flamewaker's Gloves]

-pvp gear:

5/5 ruthless + weps rutless boots rutless back rutless wrist rutless.

to je to otprilike za huntera ako vas nesto zanima pitajte (skype name kajocacak)

ostalo mozete pogledati na arrmory!

sto se tice altova:

-priest 85

-mage 61

-dk 72

-shaman 35

-druid 45

-warlock 21

-rog 16

altovi su na haomarush serveru!

ponude mozete slati na jokan.najjaci@hotmail.com! ili kajocacak na skype ili mozemo se cuti putem telefona 065/44-2-33-83

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