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Replayers epic cup

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Following our comback back in February, we hosted Replayers Epic Cup, which was met with positive feedback from the fans.

To show our gratitude for our community's constant support, we now announce Replayers Epic Cup #2.

We have decided to implement a new format for the competition, to provide you with higher quality entertainment. Unlike our first cup, which was a single-elimination one-day run, we will use a groupstage to double-elimination playoffs system, this time around.

We have gathered sixteen of the best currently active Warcraft 3 players from Europe, China and Korea. These players will be divided into four groups and the top two players of each group will advance to the double-elimination playoffs. In the end, the winner will receive the $100 prize money.

List of participants:

















Dodatna zanimljivost je to sto su u najbolje igrace uvrsteni Padash i Rudan i iako je war3 scena slabija nego ikad ne škodi nam da im čestitamo :P

Iako nije lan kontam da ce matori fly da ih ubije u pluca :D

Ili Remind eventualno :D

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Moj post, za razliku od tvog, bar nosi informativnu vrednost. Nisam mracio, vec sam konstatovao cinjenicno stanje - da se odvijanje kupa oteglo i da su u tom smislu fejlovali u organizaciji istog.

Zanimljivo je kako ti nisi nicim pametnim doprineo ovoj temi, ali si brze-bolje skocio na pomen SC2 svojom vickastom retardiranom oneliner doskocicom, kao da je SC2 rec anatemisana na ovom podforumu... Ali ok, verujem da su ti i ostali postovi jednakog kvaliteta kao ovaj, te stoga nastavi da oplemenjujes ovaj forum jednako konstruktivnim postovima, poe!

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