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Prodajem jeftino Warriora i Shaman 80- 3500 dinara


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Prodajem warriora i shamana 80 levele . Warrior je dwarf, allianca, ima 280% flying 4500 achivements poena , fale mu 2 itema do 2 legendary itema, Thundefury i Shadowmourne, ima najbolji PvE / PvP gear za 80 ,3 rare mounta . Shaman je tauren, horda, ima 280% flying, okko 2000 achivements poena, oko 5 rare mountova . Na accounta se nalaze i 70 paladin blood elf i 70 night elf druid i oko 10k golda . Account nije nikad banovan hackovan niti ista slicno. Imam ceo info . Contact : 066409375 ili http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1529171095

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