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WTS acc sa full 359 pve pristom i skoro svim ostalim klasama + starcra


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Prodajem account sa level 85 full epic geared priestom i sa 3200 resi pvp gearom. Ovo je main character, 280% mount, maxed BS and Tailoring

Ostali likovi su:

Orc warrior 85 lvl: 365 item lvl, full pvp gear sa 3600 resi, 310% mount, max mining, JWC. Ima solidan fury/tank gear.

Belf warlock 85 lvl: 362 item lvl, full pvp gear sa 3400 resi, 280% mount, nema proff.

Undead mage 85 lvl: 355 item lvl, skoro full pvp gear sa 3100 resi, 280% mount, max enchan.

Tauren druid 85 lvl: 350 item lvl, solidan pve resto/feral gear, 280% mount, herbalism max, lw 450

Orc DK 85 lvl: Los gear, 280% mount, maxed inscription i herbalism.

Belf rogue 85 lvl: 362 ilvl, full pve gear, ima nesto pvp sa 2000 resi, 280% mount, max herb i alchemy.

Belf paladin lvl 80, 280% mount

Belf hunter lvl 81, full ICC gear, maxed skining, enchanting, 280% mount.

Goblin shaman lvl 73, 280% mount

Account ima i STARCRAFT2.

Moze kontakt putem e-maila: zdrljp@hotmail.com

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