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LoL pricajte - slobodna diskusija


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Iskreno, razmisljam izmedju West i East...Mnogi kazu da je lose tamo, a kad pogledas East...Padnu ti rus ili poljak...To je to.Bez obzira koliko tryhardujes, rus je rus - poljak je poljak, "biju na masu".

Mada, cenim da je tamo isto sa francuzima i spancima.A realno, dok su bili spojeni serveri, francuza i spanaca je bilo previse.Bilo ih je u svakoj partiji.

Vas boli djoka, imate alt acc'ove.Ja jedan jedini acc, sa 25 skinova i 69 champs.Jos 10 champs mi fale i imam ih sve. :tf:

Edited by k0baya
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jedina razlika izmedju easta i westa je na high elu sto ce svi top timovi biti na westu... na bilo kom elu ispod 2000 sve jedno je sto se toga tice...

sto se tice poljaka svi ih crne a pola ljudi svrsavaju na shuseija... a i imaju dosta 2k+ igraca tako da se e mogu uzeti kao losa nacija u lolu generalno... rusi imaju dosta top igraca isto ili recimo mtg koji je bio skoro godinu dana u top 5 timova... sto se tice francuza(linak,soaz,yellowstar) i spanaca(xpeke) slicna stvar realno nismo nacija koja ima pravo da potcenjuje skill drugih ljudi posto imamo jednog igraca 2k+ mene xDDD i mozda 1-2 1800+ i manje od 10 ljudi 1600+... sto je jako slabo...

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i jel ti porasla pisica sad?

ono sto meni nije jasno je sto se zale ljudi sta ako im dodje rus/poljak, pa isto je i u timu protiv kojeg igras, ajd mozda je razlika na 2k+elu, ali tbh boli me patka sta je tamo, ne planiram ni da pokusam, a i da planiram nisam sposoban za to...


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meni je pisa uvek bila veoma impresivne velicine... samo sto kazem.... ljudi generalizuju cele nacije kao olicenje neskilla... a pritom smo sto se competative scene jedna od najslabijih nacija u eu... sto mi je iskreno prilicno razocaravajuce da se niko nije ozbiljnije potrudio da stigne do nekog top ela...

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Napokon!Gold liga opet!I to sam sa stilom usao, AP Twisted fate, 10:0, Rabadon i Lichbane za manje od 20 minuta.Surrender pao kad su videli sta imam. :tf:

Je l' zna neko da li rating ide u decay posle odredjenog vremena neigranja ranked meceva?Jer ne planiram da igram do soft reseta. :P Yes, I'm a pussy.


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Kul.Valjda ce soft reset biti uskoro. :D Prosli put kad sam stigao do 1880 i rekao ajde da odigram jos samo jednu - izgubio sam 5 za redom (to je bio onaj trenutak -> FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU - sledecu pobedjujem sigurno).

Sad se ne usudjujem.Posle reseta ide tryhard do 2k. :tf:

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Recently, we announced that we would be extending Ladder Season One. We also announced that we would provide rewards to those players who finished the season at each tier of our ladder rankings. Today we are here to announce that the first League of Legends Ladder Season will officially close in late August. Following the end of Ladder Season One, your stats will be archived in your summoner profile, and Pre-Season Two will officially begin.

Now, about those ladder rewards. As we previously mentioned, all those who participated in Season One by playing at least 10 matchmade games will receive the commemorative Judgment Kayle skin. Additionally, after your stats have been archived, and all players that are currently holding a tiered rating (bronze, gold, silver, or platinum) in our ladder rankings will receive the following additional rewards:

Bronze-rated players will receive a bronze banner in their summoner profile.

Silver-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in silver and receive a silver banner in their summoner profile.

Gold-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in gold and will receive a special skin for Jarvan IV, a gold banner in their summoner profile, and a gold forum badge.

Platinum-rated players will have their summoner icon framed in platinum and will receive a special skin for Jarvan IV, a platinum banner in their summoner profile, and a platinum forum badge.

During Pre-Season Two, there will also be several opportunities to improve your team's status for the Season Two Championship. Over the past few weeks we've announced qualifiers for the Intel Extreme Masters Global Challenges in Germany, China, and the United States. We're happy to announce that top placing teams in these qualifiers and during the Global Challenges will be credited Circuit Points for the Season Two Circuit retroactively once the season begins. Circuit points will be used to determine a team's rank in their respective region and qualify them for the Season Two Regionals. Stay tuned for more details, but if you'd like to see a recap of the Season One Regionals, then check out our Season One Regional site.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone make one final push to finish out Season One in style and bring home some fantastic rewards.

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

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