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ima nekoliko likova koji su vredni opisivanja i low lvl altova + bice na engleskom

1. gladiator warrior t2 weapon and full vicious

Honourable kills 50885

orc warrior - conqueror, champion , gladiator etc

4/5 vicious 2200 rating set + eng 359 head + tier 2 weapon (axe + thrown 372)

14 exalted reputation's

mounts : black warr bear, black war kodo, black war mammoth, black warr raptor, black war wolf,

blue drake mount, frostwolf howler, red sceletal warhorse, swift warstrider and Wrathful gladiator frost wyrm.

gold : 5000

Achievement points: 5050

profetions : engineering 525

jc 510

cooking 486

fishing 373

first aid 525

pve dps gear : 5 man heroic drops

12 fos's

ab, wsg, av tabards, stone guard tabard, scout tabard, Wrathful Gladiator's Tabard, av and bg standards , aliiance quest shirt..

2. mage high warlord full vicous geared + rare mounts

Honourable kills 62987

undead mage - conqueror , high warlord

5/5 vicious set + vicious weapon, offhand and wand all 359

6 exalted reputation's

mounts : black war mammoth, black war raptor, black war wolf, frostwolf howler,

red sceletal warhorse, great brewfest kodo, swift brewfest ram and headless horseman's mount

gold : 1000

Achievement points: 2645

Herbalism 525

First Aid 435

tabard of the protector (prebc event), old rank 14 pvp title, both brew fest mounts and headless horseman mount

11 fos's

3. resto shaman t2 arena weapon and shield

Honourable kills 19656

bloodthirsty/vicious geared . 372 weapons. 4050 resilence

hellscream's reach exalted rep

justice points 1050, valor points 450, honor points 4000

black warr raptor

gold : 1000

Achievement points : 2210

Herbalism 540

Mining 525

3 additional pvp trinkets. scount and stone guard pvp tabrads + horde battle standard

4. draenei paladin lvl 83

2 exalted reputations

4000 honor points , 1450 justice points

enchanting 420

List of lower level alts :

ud mage lvl 70 - tabard of the protector . champion title

troll hunter lvl 65 - tabard of the protector

orc death knight lvl 64 - heirloom geared

human paladin lvl 42 - sergeant title

human warlock lvl 41

night elf warrior lvl 34 - sergeant title

goblin mage lvl 22

troll warrior lvl - 21 scout title

tauren druid lvl 17 - scout title

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