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Homeworld 2 FX

Dark Voice

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Homeworld 2

Homeworld 2 v1.1 patch

German No-CD za v1.1 patch

Instalacioni paket za Homeworld 2 FX sa sajta

Instalirao sam sve tim redom, ali ne mogu da nadjem ikonicu za homeworld 2 fx ?

kada pokrenem obican .exe , samo izbaci original igru, nikakvi dodatci :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Opa, mogao bih opet da instaliram da opikam malo :D Sta ima jos novo od ovog patcha? Imal promene u enginu i gameplay-u?

FX v2.0 jos nije izasao. Suska se jun za kinesku verziju, pa onda jos malo iza za englesku.

Ocigledno rade na tome da sve brodove prerade u high-poly modele. Verovatno ce da ubace i Bentusi. Engine ne diraju, ali su, koliko sam obavesten, tu svoju script-baziranu biblioteku doveli na nivo da mogu da manipulisu gameplay-om kako zele.

Edited by Death Egg
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  • 5 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pa rade ocigledno. Izgleda da su bas zacrtali da svi brodovi budu high-poly i dok to ne zavrse nece release-ovati. Na osnovu ovoga sto sam ispratio, ima jos nekoliko brodova koje nisam video u high-poly izvedbi u screenshot-ovima.

Sa druge strane FX 2.0 i jeste zamisljen kao graficki update, vise nego gameplay. U tom smisliu je opravdano da ga ne pustaju. Gameplay je i sada dosta ispoliran i bogat.

Edited by Death Egg
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  • 2 weeks later...



- Updated high-res textures and models
- New graphical and post-processing effects
- Animated cutscenes re-created in HD by the original artists
- New and re-mastered music by the original composer
- Steamworks matchmaking and achievements
- Additional support for user-created mods
- Plus other improvements! (TBD)




Early Autumn 2014





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