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Diablo 2


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elem, zeza me nesto diablo...relativno cesto me izbaci u win sa errorom tipa "unhandled exception access violation" i kad kliknem ok na to ugasi mi igru...reinstalirao igru, ali i dalje radi to...moju krs konfiguraciju otprilike znate, ako to ima ikakve veze, posto je ovo nesto softwerski izgleda...ranije se to nikad nije desavalo, cak ni na onom prastarom kompu...ne znam sta je u pitanju, sve je isto na kompu kao i ranije, jedino sto imam avast umesto noda...btw, imam i problem sa memorijom, jedan modul mi je nesto sjeban, ali nema sanse da bi svakih 15 minuta nailazio na taj bad sector i gasio igru....pogotovu sto kad se to desi jednom u par dana restartuje ceo komp, a ne ponasa se ovako...i vudu mojne da mi odgovoris komp ti je sranje, kupi nov:)


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If all required Diablo 2 '.MPQ' files are installed on the hard drive, the game will no longer require the CD to play.

For users that originally performed a 'Full Installation' and wish to run without the CD, all '.MPQ' files should be copied from the Diablo 2 CDs to the Diablo 2 directory.

Most users will only need to copy D2Music.mpq from the Diablo 2 Play CD and/or D2xMusic.mpq from the Lord of Destruction CD.

Mac users will need to copy these music files and rename them to 'Diablo II Music' and 'Diablo II Expansion Music' respectively.

Anyone who did not perform a 'Full Installation' will need to re-install from CD again to ultimately play without the CD.

In this case, a 'Full Installation' is required, followed by file copy step noted above.

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