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Zelim da prodam druida:

Level: 80

Realm: Frostmane

Achievement: 4420

Wow armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/qryberix/simple

Solidan broj titula, achievementa, gear score je 6116. 4/5 santi. Epic flymount, Dual spec. Profesije mining i alchemi kao sto se moze videti na armory.

Cena 100 eura. Cena nije fixna.

Takodje zelim da prodam ceo account, sa druidom 80, death knightom 80, rogue-om 80, i waarrior 73. lvl

DK je tank,oko 5600 gs (link http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/bloodyknight/simple )... Rogue je oko 5000 gs ( http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/neximus/simple ), ali ima santi token u torbi.

Na svim charovima imam oko 7000 golda...Dual spec na svima.

Prvi vlasnik accounta.

Ceo account prodajem za 180 eura...Cena nije fixna.

065/53 90 333. Nemanja

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