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Igrao sam sa Pitom dosta puta pre nego sto je poceo za MYM da igra, sto sa njim sto vs njega i njegovih, recimo da tada sam mogao da navedem fin broj igraca iz Srbije koji su "tate" za njega. E onda je nastupio profi ugovor, to gde zivi uradilo je svoje, postao je "brend", posvecenost igrici itd. I eto ti vanserijske igracine :) Tako da po njegovom primeru jedno 20 ljudi iz Srbije da posaljemo u skandinaviju da zivi, dobili bi smo 20ak hitona :D

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  On 12/10/2010 at 4:27 PM, Bjeka said:

Igrao sam sa Pitom dosta puta pre nego sto je poceo za MYM da igra, sto sa njim sto vs njega i njegovih, recimo da tada sam mogao da navedem fin broj igraca iz Srbije koji su "tate" za njega. E onda je nastupio profi ugovor, to gde zivi uradilo je svoje, postao je "brend", posvecenost igrici itd. I eto ti vanserijske igracine :) Tako da po njegovom primeru jedno 20 ljudi iz Srbije da posaljemo u skandinaviju da zivi, dobili bi smo 20ak hitona :D

konopac od 20 din, crveni neka bude

najjeftiniji onaj s buvdze...

Edited by ImproVision sho


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Vladimir "Bux" Miletic is the fifth member in fnatic, following a transfer from his recent home itsmorphintime, to the new composition of fnatic.

The Swedish team yesterday announced changes, when waving goodbye to Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund and Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg who went to join SK Gaming, as well as Rasmus "Gux" Ståhl who now roams as a free agent. Reports indicated Monday night that former MYM ace Marcus "Delpan" Larsson would join the ranks of fnatic, which Tuesday evening became a reality. fnatic also landed Richard "Xizt" Landström, who left Lions for a spot in fnatic.

fnatic did however not reveal their final member, fingers and indications were led towards Niklas "niko" Johansson and Christoffer Sunde "Sunde" when the rumours first were led loose, but none of those turned out to be true.

Instead it should be the Serbian born Vladimir "Bux" Miletic, who has parted ways with itsmorphintime, in order to join up with fnatic. Bux, who is yet another offspring from the Serbian talent factory imt,when they managed to beat BGDONLINE at Selo Crew Lan Tournament.

"Today is a great day. Who would have thought this day would come when I started playing back in the days. To be able to play with idols such as cArn and dsn makes you think you are still dreaming.

Also reuniting with my old teammate Delpan is something I'm really looking forward to and playing with one of the best Swedish talents today, Xizt. I could write a whole book about what I'm feeling right now, but to spare you fans out there of falling asleep reading this, I will be short: I would like to thank the players of FnaticMSI and also the sponsors MSI, Steelseries, Bigfoot networks, UGAME and SLAPPA for the oppurtunity,all my steamfriends and MASINA :). I will do everything in my power to keep fnatic on the steady rock they have been the last years and prove to the world that fnatic will dominate 2011" - Bux said in a statement on fnatic.com.

The finalized fnatic line-up now looks as follows:

Patrik "cArn" Sättermon

Harley "dsn" Örwall

Marcus "Delpan" Larsson

Richard "Xizt" Landström

Vladimir "Bux" Miletic

izvor : www.hltv.org/news/5826-bux-transfers-to-fnatic

<3 buxa

  On 12/10/2010 at 7:53 PM, MASINA said:

ja sam cuo da fnatic zove buxa da ih ternira d2, posto im slabo ide. Pa im treba jedan dobar trening istog... molio bih buxa da potvrdi ili demantuje ovaj trac

When asked about future ingame leading , Patrik "cArn" Sättermon said

" I've been leading fnatic ingame for 5 years , i guess it's my time to start being entry frager. Our latest addition Bux will be our ingame-leader , which will improve our game and our sad dust2 t side."

Edited by deepinside urosh


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Walle nije kickovan, quitovao je. Bar tako kaze cika Anton :) Meni je ovo smesno... Ovo vise nisu top3 ekipe sveta, ni jedna, ni druga. Na'Vi, pa mTw/Fx, pa ostali... Iskreno bih voleo da se dogodi neko cudo, moddii nauci Danski, i da mTw kickuje mineta, pa da gledamo clash of the Titans na 3 mape overtime ;) Ovo SKWEDEN i FANATIK ce da bidne dosadno od sada...

Du : "Evo ga Pajser na sredini... Snajper..."

freak : "A je l' ima pajser ili snajper?"

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To je trenutna situacija Duvnz-e

i ne mislim da je FX top2 nego pre NaVi.... pa mTw/WMF[...trenutno...] ali 1 stvar znam, da bratu BobbaN-u Ilic-u=] i Lindbergu-u treba 2-3 meseca i da ce da gaze sve pred sobom. jos kad puste brata allen-a pobesnelog samo kazu ovako HAR i unleasuju ga jao-jao

stvarno po meni dreamteam od face-a reshavacha do trenutno (i duze vreme) najboljih igraca na sceni. sklop igraca koji ni u snu nisam mogao da zamislim igrajuci u istom timu.

gg poz rmk?

Edited by ImproVision sho


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  On 12/11/2010 at 10:10 AM, DuHast said:

Walle nije kickovan, quitovao je. Bar tako kaze cika Anton :) Meni je ovo smesno... Ovo vise nisu top3 ekipe sveta, ni jedna, ni druga. Na'Vi, pa mTw/Fx, pa ostali... Iskreno bih voleo da se dogodi neko cudo, moddii nauci Danski, i da mTw kickuje mineta, pa da gledamo clash of the Titans na 3 mape overtime ;) Ovo SKWEDEN i FANATIK ce da bidne dosadno od sada...

moddii je iz Kopenhagena tako da zna Danski

Edited by djole-
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