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Hot News - Werra klan na ivici raspada usled seks skandala!

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Ljudi koji prate Starcraft 2 pro scenu, su verovatno culi za Werra Starcarft 2 Clan, pored oGs-a najveci klan u Koreji. Iako nisu uspeli da postignu velik uspeh na prvom GSLu, igrali su finale klan eventa u Koreji, gde su izgubili od oGsa, i time potvrdili svoje mesto na SC 2 pro sceni. Pored toga sto imaju jako puno igraca koji su se kvalifikovali kako za GSL 1, tako i za GSL 2, veliki broj igraca im se nalazi u samom vrhu Korejskog Laddera.

Ali nazalost, vest koja se upravo siri kao razbuktali pozar internetom, ce verovatno ugasiti postojanje ovog perspektivnog klana, mnogo ranije nego sto je iko ocekivao.

Naime evo prevoda sa Korejskog zvanicnog saopstenja na engleski :

즐겨찢기.Werra claimed that he had been sexually assaulted by Gundam.werra

(Werra clan master and manager)

and also he wrote the topic in www.playxp.com to announce quit clan werra


I quit werra clan, because of "Gundam.werra"

As we all know, he is master of Werra clan and manager.

Of course, he offered me to join clan Werra.

the story opens with GSL tournament day (10/22 Fri)

First, Gundam called to me.

he said that let's go to watch the tournament on stage, and I would like to help your practice.

So, We went to Gundam's home after the tournament (10/22 Fri GSL)

He said that I trained many top players to be the best e-sports stars. which is

(Wemadefox_Lyn,Wemadefox_Moon, oGs.Zenio, oGs.Ensnare..)

(It's a lie , I think.. - only Zenio was in clan Werra and the others are not

oGs.Ensnare's AKA - Wisdom_Ensnare@Kalimdor (amateur)

and Wemadefox_lyn's AKA - sk.lyn, wcb_lyn, Lof.lyn)

Moon has mYm]moon, sprit_moon)

and also he wanted a trust wholehearted as manager.

I was strange..but..

Finally, we went Gundam's home and we went into the his room

He laid his head on my lap and put arms around my shoulders

I was gross, and suspicious

When I wanted to change my clothes, i tried to went out his room.

At the moment, he forced me to change the clothes inside his room.

I realized at the time. and I decided to over night.(I wanted to be awaken)

So, I played ladder whole night through. (You can check my match history)

after the night, Gundam suggest to me that take a rest.

So,I was lying his bed, and I nod off.

Suddenly I awoke with a jolt.

he was unziping my pants

I was so surprised and asked him "are you gay?"

and he said "no"

and then, I tried to open the GOM TV movie program(GSL streamer) for watch GSL, I saw the open lists.

there was so many gay porns and I demanded to him go out in here.

I asked to him

"why did you offer me to join clan werra? because of my possibilties or something else?"

he said

"because of your possibilties, of course and Im not a gay. Im a bisexual"

I'm so sad and I'm quit high school for focus progaming.

please do not contact me. again


U slucaju da neko ne zna Engleski, mogu prevesti ovaj tekst, ali mislim da ce ga svi razumeti. U medjuvremenu se javio jos jedan mladic, koga je Gundam zapravo i silovao, ali je bio suvise uplasen da ga prijavi.

Lista igraca koji su napustili Werra klan je sve veca i veca, i za sada je potvrdjeno da su sledeci igraci napustili klan :














Eto i za kraj bih trebao da dodam neki svoj komentar, ali sta reci na ovako nesto, strasno zaista, zao mi je momka, zao mi je Werra klana koji je pokazao veliki potencijal, i nadam se da ce svi upleteni u ovo uspeti da nastave dalje, i reorganizovati se kao tim, a da ce Gundam biti propisno kaznjen.

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