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Treba da uradim prezentaciju o teksturi i da pricam jedan cas o istoj stvari, dajte neke linkove. Nije u pitanju CGI tekstura vec ove real stvari =) Prostorna umetnost ili kako god da to racunaju...

na wiki ima svega nekoliko recenica, to mi nije dovoljno ni za 10ti deo slajda. Ko pomogne ima fasiranu sniclu u pirincu od mene!

It is in the end whatever the hell I want it to be, and when I'm through with it it's gonna blow a hole, this wide, straight through the world's own idea of itself.

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Koristi google. Poenta rada je da ga sam uradish i saznash neshto kroz proces trazenja podataka i pisanja.

Stvarno ste smorili sa tim topicima "dajte mi linkove moram da pishem neshto!".

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Krang, na netu jedino mogu da nadjem o CGI teksturama zato i trazim pomoc. Meni trebaju podaci o real deal teksturama.

It is in the end whatever the hell I want it to be, and when I'm through with it it's gonna blow a hole, this wide, straight through the world's own idea of itself.

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