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Tauren Warrior armory link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Dunemaul&cn=Gidra

-titule: Jenkins, Starcaller, of the Ashen Verdict, the Kingslayer, the Patient

-mounts: Bronze Drake, Swift Horde Wold (Togc10 bez wipe-ovanja), Swift White Hawkstrider (Magister Terrace)

-gold: 7700g + dosta matsa za enchanting

Profesije: Enchanting 406/450 (digo zbog disenchenta i enchanta na ringove), mining 450/450

DPS gear nije uglavnom gemovan i enchantovan, ali je 3x277ilvl i ostatak skoro sve 264ilvl i sa po kojim 245ilvl itemom...

PVP gear = none, to me nije interesovalo.


-Emblem of Frost = 210

-Emblem of Triumpg = 34

Honor points = 10094

Stone Keeper's Shard = 1042

Wintergrasp Mark of Honor = 7

Alt na istom serveru (Dunemaul) samo alijansa, Nightelf priest sa full leveling gearom (70lvl). Kupljena je knjigica (Cold weather fly), tako da vec moze da leti u Northrend-u.

Prvi sam vlasnik i imam apsolutno sve informacije vezane za account (user name, password, email, secret question and answer, sva 3 cd key-a...). Account nije uplacen.

Nemam kutije, ni diskove.

Cena: 140e!


-mob: 063/852 33 17 - Dragoslav

-email: gidra85@sbb.rs

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