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DK armory link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Auchindoun&cn=Gole

-Titule: Kingslayer,Astral walker,Champion of frozen waist,NIghtfall...

-Mounts: Bloodbathed frostbrood vanquisher,Ironbound proto-drake,Ogrimar wolf...

-Golda: 6k

-Gear: UH gear ti je ovaj na armory 6.39GS a OS je frost dualwield,indentican gear 6.37GS sa 277 saurfang sword i 1H axe sa LK 25 normal 271,ali imam jos oko 930 frost badge tako da moze da se uzme kompletan tank ili pvp gear ili da se zaradi fino golda.Ima i shadow edge sa uradjenim 1 questom za 1000 dusa.

-Achievs: 5035 uglavnom pve tako da se moze ici u bilo koji jaki guild...

-Profesije: JC 450, BS 450,First aid 450,Cooking 450,Fishing 450.

Druid armory link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Auchindoun&cn=Kravaman

-Titule: Ashen verdict,Patient,Nightfall...

-Mounts: Imam samo druid mountove 280%

-Golda: 400g

-Gear: MS je feral dps 5.7gs,gear je na armory, OS tank spec 5.2k GS

-Achievs: 2170

-Profesije: Alchemy 450 transmute master,Mining 450,First aid 450.

Jos na accountu imam i warr dps i tank paladina oboje imaju dual spec: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-achievements.xml?r=Auchindoun&cn=Siledzija, http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-achievements.xml?r=Auchindoun&cn=Palamudin

Broj: 0601411771

CENA 270 eura za ceo acc!!! HITNO!!!

Edited by g0le
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